The Document Chest

1587 Will of Richard Clare



In the name of god amen The xxvith [26th] daye of Februarye in the yeare of our Lord god after the [word illegible] and computacon of the Church of England 1587 And in the thirtieth yeare of the reigne of our soverseigne Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god of England France and Ireland Queene Defender of the faithe etc I Richard Clare of the parishe of Yevell in the Countie of Somerset Carrier being sicke in bodie nevertheless of good and perfecte memorie Laude and prayse be given to almighty god doe ordayne and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following. Imprimis I give and bequeathe my soule into the handes of almightye god my maker and redeamer and my body to be buried in the Churche yarde of Yevell Item I give and bequeathe to the poore of the parishe of Yevell twoe shillinges. Item my will is that all my goods money and Chattells debtes or whatsoever [illegible abbreviation] moveable or imoveable shalbe equallie divided by my two executors Robert Samon and William Grubhame and my two overseers Joseph Starre and William Jennynge and so divided equallie to be given to Johane Clare my sayd Wief John Clare my sonne to Owen Clare my sonne and to my daughter Elizabeth Clare Item my will is that my sayd Executor shall have the custodye and care both of my wief and children untill they shalbe of healthe and good governement and untill my children be of lawfull age and of sufficient governement to rule themselves and their percons. Item my will is that yf it shall please god to call out of this lief my wief Joane or any other of my children before that theye be of lawfull age and of good government then such percon or percons to be equallie divided by the Survivour In witness whereof to this present will and testament was John Sheward Vicar of Yevell Josephe Starre and William Jennynges present

Transcribed by Bob Osborn