The Document Chest

The Will of John Phelps

The 1558 Will of John Phelps, Mercer


June 19th 1558. John Phelps of the borowe of Yevill mercer

My body to be buried in the christian burial of Ivill
To the cathedral church of Wells 12d
To the parish church of Ivill 6s 8d
To the high altar there 12d
To my servant John Whore 40s
To Dorothee and Christian my women servants 20s each
To Walter Phelps 20s
To William Sampson and Richard Phelps my godsons 6s 8d each
To John, Thomas, Mary and Margaret Phelps my sons and daughters £40 each at their marriages
To William Phelps my son my tenement called Forstreetis
To John Phelps my son and his heirs my tenement called Pynnys Bargayn and my tenement in Patlane in the tenure of William Wodiall, and for the lack of heir, to Thomas Phelps my son, his brother
To Thomas Phelps my son my house called the Chauntrie House, all my title in a close of pasture called Pavittes Downe and in my mylne and mylne orchards in Pittlane and Quidham Streete
To John Hacker the elder 10s

Overseers: My brother John Wareham, gentilman, and John Phelps my son. Executrix, Joan, my wife

Witnesses: Sir Thomas Graungier clerk parson of Hardington, Andrew Faustons, Philipp Hoskinnes and others of my neighbours at Yevill

Proved July 6th 1558