The Document Chest

1684 Will of Edward Pitman

of the Towne of Yeavall


May the 12th 1684

In the name of God Amen I Edward Pitman of the Towne of Yeavall in the county of Somersett though weake of body yet of perfect memory praised bee God for the same Doe by theis presents make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following First I bequeath my soul to God that gave it me next I bequeath my body to the earth from whence it came and to be buried where my frend shall thinke fitt Item I doe give a twelve pound bond with the interest to two of my frends that is to Susanna Pitman tenn pound with the interest due and to Sarah James Sister in law to the abovesaid Susanna Pitman the sume of Forty shillings the bond due from John Trent Item I doe give the one halfe of a bond of five pounds with Interest due from Widdow Brookhouse in St Giles's parish Criplegate to Elizabeth Wills the other halfe to the parties mentioned first to my uncle Thomas Gardners three sonnes each tenn shillings a peece and to my father in laws two daughters Elizabeth Trisall and Ruth Trisall tenne shillings a peece Item I doe by this my will and testament make Nicholas Martin my whole Executor and doe give to him the summe of two pound due [abbreviaton illegible] bond from Elis More and tenne shillings from Edward Jacob and tenn shillings from John Seward as also all my wearing clothes and what pocket money I shall have more or lesse and one pound tenne shillings due from John Trent besides what I have bond for and my executor to be at the charge of my [word illegible] also I doe give my [word illegible] to my cousen Susana Pitman as witnes my hand and seale the day and yeare above subscribed

the marke of Edward Pitman

Witness Richard Sewell    the marke of Thomas Feeld    Tho[mas] [Pindar ?]


Proved at London, 1687



Transcribed by Bob Osborn