The Document Chest

1689 will of John Elliott

Late Vicar of Yeovil


Memorandum That on Munday the Twentieth day of January Anno Domini One Thousand Six hundred Eighty and Nine Mr John Elliott late Vicar of Yeovill in the County of Somersett Clerke dec[eas]ed lying then Sick at his dwelling house of Yeovill aforesaid of the sicknesse whereof hee within Two or three dayes after dyed and being of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding and having a mind to make [word illegible] and declare his last Will and Testament by word of mouth did utter and declare these or the like words following (Viz.) All my estate both reall and personall and whatsoever I have I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Bridgett meaning and speaking of Bridgett Elliott his only Daughter who is a Minor and doe make and appoint George Prowse of Yeavill aforesaid and my Father in Law Samuel Prowse and my Cozen Jeremiah Hayne to bee the Executors of my Will during the Minority and in Trust and for the benefit of my said Daughter Bridgett All which Words or words to the same effect hee the said dec[eas]ed being and continuing at all and singular the [abbreviation illegible] pf sound and disposing mind memory and understanding uttered and declared as and for and with an intent That the same should stand for and bee his last Will and Testament [uncupative?] in the p[re]sence and hearing of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses thereunto whome he also desired to beare witnesse or take notice thereof

John Harding     Robert Cheny     Kathren Hardinge    Martha Jones

Dated in Latin, February 1689


Proved at London, 1689



Transcribed by Bob Osborn