The Document Chest

1694 Will of Jane Beale



In the name of God Amen I Jane Beale of Yeovill in the County of Somersett Widdow being at present sick and weake in body but of sound and disposing mind and memory doe this third day of July in the Yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred Ninety Fower make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and forme following (that is to say) first and principally I com[m]end my Soul into the hands of Allmighty God my Creator stedfastly beleiving to receive full pardon and remission of all my Sinns through the merits death and passion of my Saviour and redeemer Jesus Christ and to bee made pertaker with him in life everlasting in the Kingdome of Heaven and my body I comit to the Earth from whence it came to bee decently interred at the discretion of my Executrix hereinafter named in convenient time after it shall please God to call mee out of this vane and transitory Life And as for such worldly as I now am possessed of I give and dispose of the same as followeth First my will is that two hundred pounds shall remaine and bee in the Hands and custody of my Executrix hereinafter named her Executors or Assignes to and for these following uses (that is to say) the lawfull interest thereof to and for the use of my daughter Margarett for and during her naturall life And if it shall happen my said daughter Margarett to dye without lawfull issue of her body then my will is that Fifty pounds part of the said Two hundred pounds shall then ymediately bee paid to my Granddaughter Jane Barwick And incase my said granddaughter shall not bee then living then my will is that the said Fifty pounds shallbee and remaine to my great granddaughter Jane Barwick her Executors of Assigns and Fifty pounds more to my Granddaughter Margarett Caine and the other one hundred pounds residue of the said Two hundred pounds to bee equally divided amongst my Five granddaughters unmarried but if it shall happen my said daughter Margarett to marry and have issue then my will is that the whole two hundred pounds shall be paid to my said daughter Margarett Item whereas my Sonn in Lawe Mr Morgan Lodge is behind and in arrears of the Annuity hee owes mee two and thirty pounds and tenn shillings and which was due the Fower and twentieth day of June last past tenn pounds whereof my will is shall remaine and bee to my Daughter Lodge to buy her mourning and the remainder of the said two and thirty pounds and tenn shillings to my Executrix Item I give to my grandson John Came my Silver Tankard Item I give to my great granddaughter Jane Barwick Five pounds to bee paid her within Six monthes after my decease and one of my best Holland Sheetes to bee delivered her within one Month after my decease Item I give a Jacobus peece of gold to each of my grandsonns John and Thomas Bealewith all my [latine ?] books to bee equally divided between them Item I give to my said daughter Margarett my wedding and greene stone rings with my two truncks of linnen now at new house and my best bed will all the furniture thereunto belonging Item I give to my Kinswoman Mary Woodbury Forty shillings Item I give my Neighbours Mrs Austin and Mrs Allambridge ten shilling apeece to buy them each a Ring Item I give to the poor of the parish of Yeovill three pounds to bee distributed at the discretion of my Executrix And lastly all the rest of my goods Chattells debts credits ready money and goods whatsoever not herinbefore given I hereby give and bequeath the same to my daughter Jane Came Widdow whom I make and constitute sole Executrix of this my last will and I doe revoke all other wills In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written

Jane Bele

Signed sealed published and declared in the presence of us

Samuel Gundry     Elizabethe Howell


Proved at London in 1694



Transcribed by Bob Osborn