The Document Chest
The Will of Alice Clavill
The 1587 Will of Alice Clavill, knitter
In the name of amen The seaventh daye of Februarie in the yeare of our Lord God a thousand five hundrethe eightie seaven And in the thirtithe yeare of the Reigne of our gratius and soveraigne Lady Queen Elizabeth I Alice Clavill of Yevell in the countie of Somersett knitter beinge of perfect minde and memorie (praysed be god therefore) doe make this my Last will and testament Inprimis I give and bequeathe my soule into thandes of thallmightie and my bodte to be buried in the churchyarde of the parishe of yevell aforsaide Item I give unto George Perrie oldest daughter beinge my goddaughter which lieth in the handes of William Perrie twentie shillingse Item I give to Frances Barnard my goddaughter to be paide out of an obligation that Richard Perrie Harke standeth bounden unto mee in fifteene poundes for the sure payment seaven poundes seaven shillings and five pence of lawfull Englishe money due unto me att the feaste daye [illegible abbreviation] John the baptiste last paste twentie shillinge Item I give unto Edmond [Sower?] out of the same bande to be paid in money fortie shillinge item I give unto Margerie Barnard one kercheife the best except one and one Holland Aprin Item I give unto Dorothie Northe my redd cotton petticote Item I give unto Ciceley Newman my littell [tofer?] and one of my kerchifes Item I give unto Margarett Manne servante unto John Stukeley one of my smocks Item I give unto Margarett Hamond one of my petticotes The reste of my goodes and cattells moveable and unmoveable my debtes and legacies and funerall beinge discharged I do give and bequeathe unto my sister Marye Grett whom I make my sole executrix of this my last will and testamentTheis being wittnessed John Stuckey John Hamonde and Robert Barnard
Transcribed by
Bob Osborn