The Document Chest

The Will of John Apsey

The 1698 Will of John Apsey, Glover


In the name of God Amen I John Apsey of Yeovill in the County of Somesett glover being sicke and weake of body but of sound and perfect memory doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme following First I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty God that gave it hopeing through the alone merits of Jesus Christ to receive Free pardon of all my sins and my body to be decently burryed by my Executor hereinafter named and as for such worldly estate as itt hath pleased God to bless me with I give devise and bequeath as followeth Imprimis I give unto my [two words illegible] George Prowse of Yeovill gent the sum of tenn pounds Item I give unto my kinsman Richard Triptree glover of Yeovill aforesaid twenty dozen of gloves whereof fifteen dozen are to be mens & womens and the other five boys and girles Item I give to each of his Children twenty shillings apeice Item I give unto Mr Giles Halges of Yeovill aforesaid Shop keeper twenty dozen of gloves fifteene dozen whereof are to be mens & womens and Five dozen boys and girles Item I give unto the said Giles Halges's three Children twenty shillings apeice Item I give unto my very good Friend Mr John Samford of Bristoll glovere ten dozen of mens and womens gloves Item I give unto my brother in law Joshua George twenty shillings Item I give unto my Cozen Edward George twenty shillings and to each of his Children Five shillings apiece to buy [word illegible] cloths Item I give unto Anne Hayward my servant [two words illegible] pounds Item I give unto Susannah Barret twenty shillings Item I give unto Thomas Moore twenty shillings Item I give unto Elizabeth Haywood five shillings Item I give unto my cozen Sarah Boone five shillings Item I give unto Samuel Webb my [servt?] all my wareing apparell Item my will is that all the sumes of money above given and bequeathed be paid within twelve months after my decease Item my will is that Richard Triptree provided he takes and teaches my apprentice Samuell Webb for the remainder of the terme he has to serve with me to cutt and perfect his trade one hundred of leather if that remaines soe much be me att the time of my death Item I give unti Henry Triptree the sume of twenty shillings Item I give unto Sarah Gilbert widdow of Yeovill aforesaid twenty shillings Item I give unto Sarah her daughter twenty shillings Item all the rest of my goods and chattles book debts and moneys not herein and herby before given and bequeathed I give devise and bequeath unto my very good Friend and kinsman Edward Hayward of Yeovill aforesaid Apothecary as alsoe the remainder of the [stock?] I have in the dwelling house where I now live and doe make the said Edward Hyward sole Executor of this my last will and Testament and doe hereby revoke all former wills by me made In witness whereof I the said John Apsey have hereunto sett my hand and seale this third day of June in the tenth yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord William the third over England etc King [word illegible] One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Eight the mark of John Apsey Signed Sealed published and declared to be the last Will and Testament of the said John Apsey in the presence of John Newman John Riall the marke of Elizabeth Traske



Transcribed by Bob Osborn