yeovil people
William dampier
Clothier of Yeovil
William Dampier (not to be confused with the buccaneer of the same name from East Coker) was born in the seventeenth century and became a clothier of Yeovil, that is, a person who makes, sells or deals in clothes or cloth. He was married to Orchard Old, the daughter of rich Yeovil mercer John Old the Elder.
William and Orchard had four children; John, Samuel (who became a clothier like his father), William and Mary. The children received individual fortunes left to them by their Grandfather Old; £400 to John, £700 to Samuel, £300 to William and £700 to Mary - a total of £2,100 which is about £5.3 million at today's value.
It would appear that William was just as wealthy and, from the bequests made in his will dated 4 April 1718, his eldest son John was clearly not the favourite.
He had extensive property and land holdings in Marston Magna and Weston that he left to his wife, to be passed on to their son John at her death, as well as leaving her £1,000 (£2.5 million at today's value) providing she didn't remarry, in which case it devolved to the children. He also left his wife their home in Yeovil.
To his eldest son John he gave just £5. As noted above, John had to wait for his mother to die before he inherited the lands at Marston Magna.
To his son Samuel he left lands in Marston Magna not included in those he left his wife. Samuel also received "all my Messuages Houses Gardens Lands and Hereditaments Scituate in Yeovill" except the family home that had been left to his mother. Finally, Samuel received the remainder of his father's fortune after the other bequests had been settled.
To his son William he gave £1,000 (the subject of a marriage agreement) plus another £500.
To his daughter he left £800. Sadly, she died before his will was signed.
Altogether William's cash bequests amounted to £3,300 - around £8.5 million at today's value. He died in Yeovil in 1718.
Last Will & testament of William Dampier, 1718
In the Name of
God I William
Dampier of Yeovill in the
County of
Clothier being
of sound Mind
and knowing the
certainty of
Death and the
uncertainty of
the time of
Death do make
and declare this
to be my Last
Will and
Testament in
manner and form
following that
is to say First
and principally
I recommend my
Soul into the
hands of
Almighty God
trusting to have
Forgiveness of
all my Sins in
and thro the
Meritts and
Mediation of
Jesus Christ our
only Lord and
Saviour my Body
I desire may
have decent and
buriall And as
for all my
Messuages Lands
Tenements and
and all my Goods
and Chattells
which it hath
pleased Almighty
God to bestow
upon me I give
and Dispose
thereof as
follows that is
to say I give
and confirm unto
my beloved Wife
the Messuages
Lands Tenements
Hereditaments at
Marston Magna
and Weston in
the County of
Somset which
were Settled or
intended to be
conveyed and
Settled to or to
the use of my
said Wife for
her Life for
Jointure and
after the
Decease of my
said Wife I give
the same Lands
and Premises
Settled on my
Wife for
Jointure onto my
Son John Dampier
his Heirs
Executors and
Also I give and
bequeath unto my
said Wife the
Sume of one
Thousand Pounds
in Lawful money
and I desire
that on her
Death or sooner
If she shall
fortune to Marry
Shee will give
and Dispose of
the said one
Thousand Pounds
unto either or
amongst my four
Children Also I
give unto my
Eldest Son John
Dampier Five
pounds in lawful
money to be paid
unto him within
one Month next
after my Decease
And Whereas I
have Covenanted
and agreed by
Articles to give
and pay unto my
Son William for
such use and
uses as are
Declared by such
Articles the
Sume of One
Thousand pounds
and every part
thereof shall be
punctually and
honestly paid
according to the
Agreement Also I
give unto my son
William Five
Hundred Pounds
in Lawfull money
to be paid unto
him or his
Assigns within
one yeare after
my Decease. Also
I give and
bequeath unto my
Daughter Mary
Dampier the Sume
of Eight Hundred
Pounds in Lawful
money to be paid
unto her or her
Assigns within
four years after
my Decease Also
I give devise
and bequeath
unto my Son
Samuel Dampier
and to his Heirs
and Assigns for
ever all those
my several
Closes and Lands
which I lately
purchased of
John Codrington
Esq and John
Prowse Gent
lying and being
within the
Parish of
Marston Magna
aforesaid. Also
I give and
devise unto my
said Son Samuel
Dampier and to
his Heirs and
Assigns all
those my several
Closes and Lands
Scituate in
Marston Magna
aforesaid which
I lately
purchased of Mr
Long and all
other my Lands
in Marston Magna
aforesaid (which
are not Settled
in use for my
Wife for her
Life) I give and
devise unto my
said Son Samuel
and his Heires
To have and to
hold the said
Closes Lands and
Premises and
every part
thereof unto my
said Son Samuel
his Heirs and
Assigns for
ever. Also I
give unto my
said Son Samuel
and to his Heirs
and Assigns for
ever all my
Messuages Houses
Gardens Lands
Scituate in
Yeovill in the
said County of
(except the
Messuage and
wherein I now
Live) To hold
unto my said Son
Samuel his Heirs
and Assigns for
ever. Also I
give unto my
Loving Wife all
that my now
Dwelling House
with the
Outhouses Garden
dureing all such
time and term as
shall runn out
and expire in
the Lifetime of
my said Wife.
Also I give unto
my said Wife the
use of all my
houshold goods
during her Life
to be used in my
now Dwelling
House and not
elsewhere. Also
I give to my
Pastor Mr Lobb
Tenn pounds in
lawfull money.
Also I give unto
Elizabeth the
Wife of John
King of Yeovill
aforesaid Bodice
maker the Sume
of Five pounds
in Lawfull money
to be paid unto
the said
Elizabeth for
her Sole and
Separate use and
her receipt
shall be a
Discharge. Also
I give unto my
Weaver John Gear
Jun Five pounds
in lawfull money
All other my
Goods Chattells
and money not
herein before
given I give the
same and every
part thereof
unto my said Son
Samuel Dampier
whom I do make
and appoint Sole
Executor of this
my Last Will and
Testament and I
desire my
Brothers in Law
Mr John old and
Mr Benjamin
Derbie and my
Brother Henry
Dampier to be
Trustees and
Overseers of
this my Will to
see the same
duly performed
and to take care
to place out
such Childs or
Fortune which
shall be under
age at the time
of my Decease in
Witness whereof
I have here unto
Set my Hand and
Seal this
Eighteenth Day
of April in the
Fourth year of
King George
Annoq Dom 1718.
William Dampier.
Signed Sealed
Published and
Declared by the
above named
William Dampier
to be his Last
Will and
Testament in the
presence of us
who Set our
Names as
Witnesses in the
presence of the
said William
Theophilus Lobb
John Sanders
Henry Pittard.
Before this Will
was signed or
Witness to it my
Deceas'd; so it
is my Will that
my Wife shall
have all that
Legacy or money
which her
Grandfather Old
gave her in his
Transcribed by Bob Osborn