Gladstone terrace
Gladstone terrace
Named for the Prime Minister
Gladstone Terrace is a small terrace of five houses, built as speculative housing on a greenfield site in 1886 by Samuel Cridland, a local builder and mason. It lies on the eastern side of Brickyard Lane (today's St Michael's Avenue) to the immediate north of the White Horse pub and New Prospect Place.
The terrace features decorative cream brickwork string courses that contrast well with the local red Yeovil bricks - almost certainly made at the brickworks further up the lane.
It was named in honour of William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), Liberal Prime Minister 1868-74, 1880-85, 1886 and 1892-94.
Gladstone is
famous for his
oratory, his
religiosity, his
liberalism, for
his poor
relations with
Queen Victoria
(who once
complained, "He
always addresses
me as if I were
a public
meeting") and
for his rivalry
with the
Leader Benjamin
created Earl of
Beaconsfield and
celebrated in
Terrace on
the opposite
side of
Brickyard Lane.
Gladstone Terrace in St Michael's Avenue, built by Samuel Cridland in 1886. Such a shame that people find it necessary to paint over stone and brickwork to ruin an otherwise pleasing street scene elevation. Photographed in 2014.
The datestone - Gladstone Terrace over SC 1886. Photographed in 2014.