yeovil people
Henry Lavor
Imprisoned, fined and excommunicated for his Quaker beliefs
Henry Lavor was the son of John Lavore and his wife Mary. John, of Kingston-juxta-Yeovil, (see Will below) was a prominent Yeovilian who was recorded in the Woborn Muniments as a Warden of the Woborn Almshouse in 1617, 1628 and 1637 as well as being Custos of the almshouse in 1619.
Henry married Joan Raymond, the daughter of Andrew Raymond of Marston Magna. It is not known if they had children, but certainly none are mentioned in his will (see below).
George Fox founded the Quaker movement in 1652 in the north of England. Henry was a long-time member of the Society of Friends, or Quakers. But in 1660, with the Restoration of the monarchy, the systematic persecution of Quakers began. The Conventicle Act of 1664 made persons attending private assemblies for religious worship liable to severe penalties yet several sects are known to have been active in and around Yeovil, the earliest on record being the Quakers, meeting in Henry Lavor’s house in Yeovil during 1654.
On 28 March 1661, the Assizes began at Chard, twelve miles from Ilchester, where many Quakers were held in prison. Some two hundred Quakers were forced to walk from the Ilchester Gaol to Chard. At the Chard Assizes, nine people were indicted for refusing to swear in accordance with the Act of Toleration. One of those indicted was "Henry Lavor of Yeovill", who was referred to as a husbandman. This term describes one who farms to support himself and his family, which doesn't entirely fit with what we know of Henry. All nine of the dissenters, including Henry, refusing to swear allegiance were returned to the prison at Ilchester to await the next assizes.
On 14 September 1662, Henry Laver was again taken, this time at a meeting at Trent. He was again committed to prison for refusing to take the Oath of Allegiance. In 1664, for refusing to pay two pence demanded of him by the Church for an Easter offering, Henry Lavor was excommunicated.
In 1664, Yeovil's Poor Rate Book noted that Henry was one of four Overseers of the Poor (the others being William Daniell, Theophilus Collins and Thomas Phelps).
In an extremely interesting, but lengthy tome, with an equally lengthy title, "A Collection of the Sufferings of the People Called Quakers, For the Testimony of a Good Conscience from the Time of Their Being First Distinguished by that Name in the Year 1650 to the Time of the Act Commonly Called the Act of Toleration Granted to Protestant Dissenters in the First Year of the Reign of King William the Third and Queen Mary in the Year 1689" it was recorded "On the 7th of the Month called June [1670], a Justice of the Peace, named Helliar, with Officers and Soldiers, came to a Meeting then at the House of Henry Lavor, and drew the Friends out, and conducted them to an Inn. In the Street, as they passed, Thomas Whitehead exhorted the People to repent and fear God, for which he was fined £20 as a Preacher, sent to the Blind-house Prison, and charged with seducing the King's Subjects. His Wife, Jane Whitehead, also uttered some Words of Exhortation to the People, for which the Justice fined her £20... They also fined Henry Lavor £20 for his House, and others 5s each; which Fines were levied partly on the Persons themselves, and partly on others present at the same Meeting." Later in 1670, "Mary Lavor, Mother of Henry Lavor, for his aforesaid Fine for the Meeting-house" had goods to the value of £20.14s.0d (around £3,300 at today's value) confiscated. The tome continues - "When Mary Lavor, who was not at the Meeting, was unjustly distrained on [that is, had her property seized in order to obtain payment of money owed] for her Son's Fine, she appealed to the Quarter Sessions, but instead of getting Relief, was obliged to sit down with an additional Loss of £9.12s.0d Cost on the Appeal. The Court, in her Case, were misled by Justice Helliar... "
The Quakers established a burial ground in Preston Road in 1669. In 1688 a house and garden in Kingston was purchased for use as a meeting house, on a site now occupied by Yeovil District Hospital. This, indeed, may have been the barn known to have been purchased by Elias Barnes, a Yeovil maltster, in 1674 for the use of his wife’s uncle, Henry Lavor.
It also appears that Henry was intimately linked with the licensed trade being associated with, if not owning, at least two hostelries in the town. The first, from an entry in the Poor Rate Book of 1677, was the Rose and Crown in High Street (roughly where Superdrug is today), for which Henry was rated 18 shillings - a relatively large sum at the time. In 1689 he was again rated for the "Crown in the Burrough". The second was the Bear Inn, probably a simple alehouse, whose location is unknown. A document dated 10 February 1682, concerning the Bear Inn, refers to (the owners ?) Henry Lavor, Elias Barns (the husband of Henry's daughter Mary) and Thomas Goodfare.
Henry is described in documents as a scrivener. There were two meanings for scrivener; the first was someone who was able to write original material (unlike a scribe who was usually just a copier), and therefore usually employed as a clerk or accountant. The second meaning was a person who invested money at interest for clients and lent funds to those who wanted to raise money on security. Bearing in mind Henry's wealth at this time (see his will below), the latter is more likely to describe him.
On 11 April 1683, Henry suffered "Distress of Goods for Absence from the National Worship... " and "... had a Book taken from him by one of the Churchwardens, but he returned it again the same Night, declaring that he could not be easy in his Conscience to detain it, though he had taken it by due Course of Law." This does seem strange for the Churchwarden to be involved, considering Henry had been excommunicated some twenty years earlier.
In the
'Register of
Burials of the
People called
Quakers' is an
entry made on 20
December 1683
that simply
states "Henry
Lavor dyed". It
was not until
1689 that the
Act of
allowed Quakers
to worship
See Henry Lavor's Family Tree
A postcard of Ilchester Gaol in 1836. Henry Lavor spent some considerable time here.
The 1662 will of John Lavor
The one and twentith day of July
in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty two I John Lavor of
Kingston juxta
Yeavill in the
County of
being sicke of
Body but of
sound and [word
illegible] mind
and memory doe
make and ordayne
this my last
Will and
Testament in
manner Following
Imprimis I give
to [name
illegible] of
aforesaid Tenn
shillings and
the poore of the
same P[ar]ish
Forty shillings
to be
distributed by
my Executor
[hereinafter ?]
named Item I
give Twenty
shillings to the
poore of the P[ar]ish
of [word
twenty shillings
to the poore of
the P[ar]ish of
Kingsbury Item I
Will and
bequeath to my
now Wife All
that my part and
moyetie in three
grounds called [Cockin
Cresbyn ?]
lyeing in the P[ar]ish
of West Stower
in the County of
Dorset for terme
of her life The
remaynder in
yeares (if any
be) I give to
Mary Pitman
daughter of my
Gertrude [three
words illegible]
Gertrude had the
[word illegible]
person Item I
give and devise
to my Grandchild
Amos Ma[r]ten
Sonne of my
daughter Alice
and to his heirs
the [word
illegible] of
all those Lands
and Tenements
which Thomas
Francis Giles
Hayne Edward
King Andrewe
[Skinner ?] John
[Creath ?] doe
hold of me with
the Rents and
herriotts [heriot
= a feudal duty
or tribute due
under English
law to a lord on
the death of a
tenant] due
for the same And
also [the ?]
reversion and
remainder after
their p[re]sent
Estates To have
and to hold to
the said Amos
Martin and his
heirs for [word
illegible] Item
I give Mary my
now Wife Three
of my [word
illegible] Cowes
and halfe of my
provision that
at the time of
my decease shall
be in my
Dwelling House
and backside
thereof Also my
Will is that my
said Wife shall
have [several
words illegible]
halfe of all
such household
stuffe and Goods
as shall be
found in my now
Dwelling house
for and during
her life Item I
give to the
foresaid [Ane ?]
Marten my [word
daughter Tenn
pounds a yeare
yearely to be
paid her towards
the [several
words illegible]
three youngest
Children the
same to be paid
[Note: the following top half of the second page is extremely faint and very
difficult to
manner following that is to say by fower even and [word illegible] porcons
at the fower
most usuall
Feasts in the
yeare vizt
Chrismas day our
Lady day
Midsomer day and
Michaelmas day
The [first ?]
payment thereof
to be made at
such of the said
Feasts as shall
first happen
after my decease
And my Will is
that my Lands
called or known
by the name of
[word illegible]
lyeing in the
[Parishes ?] of
Yeavell and
[word illegible]
or either of
them shall be
alwayes lyable
for the payment
of the said
[word illegible]
Tenn pounds as
is formerly sett
[downe ? - next
word illegible]
the life of the
said Anie Marten
[two words
illegible] my
Will is that if
the s[ai]d
yearly [word
illegible] or
Tenn pounds or
any part
[Note: the following last half of the page is all but completely illegible]
Proved at London, 1662.
Transcribed by Bob Osborn
The 1683 will of Henry Lavor
I Henry Lavor of Yeovell in the County of Somersett being of sound and perfect minde and memory Doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament First I give to Joane my wife daughter of Andrew Raymond [word illegible] late of Marston Magna in the county of Somerset Yeoman deceased All that close of pasture called Greencrosse containing by estimation six acres and all [word illegible] at the head thereof called Newclose containing about four acres with their several appurtenances and the Shrouds of all trees usually shrouded the Topps of trees not Topped excepted which said Closes are scituate in the parish of Yeovell aforesaid at a place there called Greenclose To hold unto her for the [?? contraction for 'remainder' ?] of her life in full recompence for the house in Henford from I give her the house I now dwelleth in with the other part thereof when it falls in hand and all outhouses gardens and orchard and backsides thereto belonging and all that garden att [Clavshard ?] both situate in the parish aforesaid for the [?? contraction for 'remainder' ?] of her life Also I give her the use of all my goods and household stuffe for and during her Widdowhood The remainder of the said house gardens orchard and backside I devise to my cousen Samuel Goodford and his heirs forever Item I give to my said wife twenty and five pounds to bee paid out of the one hundred pounds secured by a mortgage of the Parsonage house or in lieu thereof and fifty pounds which [word illegible] Ring [word illegible] at her own choice also my will is and I doe hereby appoint that my Executors hereafter named shall pay my said wife yearly during my mothers life the yearly annuity of three pounds and tenne shillings at foure quarterly payments by equal portions Item I give to my nephew Phillip Taylor three hundred pounds and twenty pounds for his pains to bee taken about the Executon of this my Will Item I give his Brother John Taylor All those my five grounds at Swyncombe which I bought of John Phelps scituate in the parish of Yovell with the appurtenances And all my estate right and title in and to the same Also I give him Two hundred pounds Item I give his Brother Jonathan Taylor all those Two Closes called Ashley containing about twenty acres with th' appurtenances and the way leading thereto from the Highway being about twenty feete or one and the aforesaid closes called Greencrosse and Newclose with the appurtenances all of them scituate in the parish of Yeovell and Pitney or one of them To hold unto him and his heirs forever immediately after my said wifes decease Item I give unto his sister Mary Two Hundred and sixty pounds if shee marry with her friends consent and not otherwise Item I give to my Niece Mary [two words illegible] one hundred and twenty pounds Item I give and devise to the said Samuel Goodford All that tenement in the tenure of Robert Whitby with all orchards gardens lands meadows and pastures thereunto belonging And all other such cottages whereof I stand seized of an estate in fee simple of fee [word illegible] or for a long terme of years in possession or reversion scituate and being in the parish of Yeovell aforesaid with their severall appurtenances and all Rents reserved upon the severall Leases thereof To hold unto him and his heirs forever upon confidence that her will apply the benefitt of these my legacies and devices To such Children as hee hath or shall these by his now wife Item I give and devise to my nephew William Pitman All these my five Closes of pasture containing about one and Twenty acres commonly called Waynehill scituate in the parish of Windford in the County of Somersett And all that close called [Jude ?] containing about eight acres lying in the said parish of Yeovell at a place called [Noemans ?] plott with their and every of their appurtenances To hold unto him and his heirs forever immediately after my said wifes life in case His brother John bee not dead at the time of my decease otherwise I devise the said Closes to my Executors hereafter named and their heirs forever to bee by them disposed of and the moneys raised by the sale thereof to bee equally distributed between themselves and other the children of my sister Gartrude and Mary but in case his said brother John doe returne into England and the said William Pitman bee not suffered to enjoy the lands at Hummer in the parish of Trent in the county of Somersett without any clayme of his said brother or his heired or assignes Then my will is And I doe hereby appoint that my said Executors shall out of my estate make up such addition to the said William Pitmans Legacy or porcon [ie portion] as may with what otherwise given him amount to about three hundred pounds Item I give him also Tenne pounds Item I give his brother Henry Pitman Two hundred and fifty pounds and a fifty pound bond entered into by [word illegible] and Tatchell and all the benefitt thereof Item I give to my cousin Mary Martin Twenty pounds unto the foure children of my sister Martin Twenty pounds a peece Item I will and hereby appoint that my Executors hereafter named doe pay to William Adams of Marston Magna aforesaid and Robert Banton of Long Sutton in the same County and to the Survivors of them the yearly sum of Six pounds and Tenne shillings during my mothers life by two equall payments in the year Item I give five pounds to the poore of the parish of Yeovell to bee distributed by my said Executors Also Forty shillings to the poore of the parish of Martock and forty shillings more to the poore of the parish of Kingsbury and my will is and I doe hereby appoint that the surplus of my estate both reall and personall after all Legacies devices and other disbursements paid and satisfied bee equally divided by my said Executors betweene themselves and their respective Brothers and sisters herein above named Also I give to my nephew John Pitman five pounds to bee paid him when hee returnes hence Item I give and devise unto the said Phillip Taylor and Samuel Goodford All that my messuage comonly called Eabridge mills scituate in the parish of Kngsbury in the county of Somersett and all orchards gardens lands meadows pastures and commons there unto belonging with their severall appurtenances and the rent reserved upon a Lease thereof To have and to hold to them their heirs and assigns forever upon this Trust and confidence to apply the mony raised by and sale of Lease thereof and in the mean time the profitts thereof towards the Pformance of this my will to be equally divided betweene themselves and the children of my other two sisters Gartrude and Mary and upon noe other trust not to noe other use Item I give and devise to my kinsmen William Lavor and Edward Lavor both of the parish of Martocke All my Cottages Lands Meadows and pastures with their severall Appurtenances scituate in the said parish of Martocke will all rents reserved on the several leases thereof To have and to hold to them and their heires forever it being my desire That the said Lands haveing soe many hundred years in our name and blood may Ever soe continue Provided that if my said Cousen Edward Lavor doe not pay the Tenne pounds to my said Executors which is secured by bond in John Olds name and also Twenty pounds which George [Stower ?] oweth John Anderson within halfe a yeare next after my decease Then my will is that hee shall have noe part in the aforesaid devise And then and in such case I give and devise the premisses to the said William Lavor and his heires forever And my will is That my said Executors doe in the first place pay the Legacies before given to the poore of the respective parishes aforesaid And that in the next place they pay all such Debts as I owe either by mortgage or otherwise And afterwards the legacies before given to my cousin Mary Martin and my sister Martins Children And my Will to that my Executors be not such for any legacy before by me given within a years and a halfe next after my decease Nevertheless my desire is that thye pay them withall convenient speed And that in the meane time they pay them interest for the same after the rate of five P Centum Item my will is and I doe hereby appoint that my wife shall have the use of my bedsted in the Parlour Chamber and of the bedsted in the Hall Chamber and of the [remainder of sentence illegible] my Sister Taylor to make use of those in the Hall and little Chamber at her discretion Also I give my wife all my Sheetes also I give her the use of all other my Linnen during her Widdowhood All [Lumber ?] goods as tables bords frames stooks Chairs [several words illegible] and barrells to remaine in my house to the use of him to whom I have devised the Inheritance of my said house Also I will that all Chests Coffers and bedstedds doe likewise remaine in my house to the use aforesaid after my wifes life And lastly I make and constitute my said Nephews Phillip Taylor and Samuel Goodford Executors of this my Will desiring them to take care that it bee [justly ?] fulfilled in all p[ar]ticulars and if any doubt question or controversie happen to arise about the meaning of this my Will my desire is that the same be divided by Jasper Batt John Anderson my brother John Dandoe Thomas Powell and John Whiteing or any two of them And that all p[er]sons concerned doe fully acquiesse in their Judgement and award concerning the same otherwise every such person soe refuseing to have now benefitt by this my will In witness whereof I have hereunto putt my hand and seale the Sixteenth day of February Anno Domini one Thousand Six Hundred eighty and three
Hen[ry} Lavor
Sealed published and declared by the said Henry Lavor for and as his last Will and testament the word not [word illegible] the Twenty Sixth and Twenty Seventh [word illegible] and the [word illegible] at Hummer in the parish of Trent in the County of Somersett betweene the twenty ninth and thirtieth [Dayes ?] in the same sheete and the words Assignes Between the thirtieth and one and thirtieth [word illegible] of the same sheete being first [word illegible]
in the presence of us
Robert French [Herman ?] Spracklin Thomas Chead Edw'd Jacob
Proved at London, 1685
Transcribed by Bob Osborn