Wyndham action group
Wyndham Action Group
A History
Yeovil Country Park is Yeovil’s greatest treasure, stretching as it does from the top of Lyde Road around the edge of the town centre - including Wyndham Hill, Summerhouse Hill, Pen Hill, and Ninesprings before going on out to Lysander Road and Dorchester Road. Yeovil Country Park has been described as the town’s ‘Green Bypass’ but it is easy to forget that it almost didn’t exist. It took a 13 year battle by Wyndham Action Group (WAG), and others, to oppose a series of development projects before South Somerset District Council (SSDC) eventually established the Country Park.
How it
all began
WAG began after
a group of angry
Yeovil residents
held a wet and
windy meeting on
Wyndham Hill in
May 1993. The
council had said
that a new
store would be
built on Old
Town Station car
park, but it
soon became
evident from the
plans that the
store was
intended to be
on the lower
western flank of
Wyndham Hill,
known as Wyndham
Fields. It was
proposed that
the Old Town
Station car park
would remain to
serve the new
store. It was
further proposed
that a service
road would be
built with two
roundabouts, one
at Penn Mill and
one near Newton
Road. This would
have destroyed
the much-loved
walk along the
old railway line
along the south
of the hill and
would have
required a
retaining wall,
up to 80 feet
high, to keep
the remaining
hill in place.
The road would
also have had a
link taking
traffic out onto
the junction
around Wyndham
Street, which
was notoriously
congested at
that time. A
local artist
created an
impression of
what the
would look like
(see Gallery).
Allegedly, footfall from the new store would be beneficial to local businesses but WAG argued that evidence nationwide suggested that big superstores forced small local shops to close. The Chamber of Trade and the Independent Retailers Association supported the plan but objections were received from several shops in the area. Other groups opposing the development included the Council for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE), Transport 2000, South Coast Against Road-building (SCAR), Friends of the Earth, Earth First, and the Ramblers.
Strangely, at the same time as supporting a planned supermarket on Wyndham Hill, the council were actively opposing plans to build a Safeway (now Morrisons) store on Lysander Road. Safeway was already taking its case to Judicial Review, which they eventually won.
The initial WAG meeting led to around 50 people challenging the plan at a meeting of Somerset County Council (SCC). While a few councillors supported the objections, the majority were against and were supported by Paddy Ashdown MP, who said that Yeovil would die unless Sainsbury were allowed to build on that site.
WAG held a hugely successful meeting at the Methodist Church Hall around this time; it was standing room only. One speaker talked about how new roads create more traffic, not less. A representative from CPRE gave a presentation, with a huge map of the area and the before and after artwork laid over it on tracing paper. Meanwhile, WAG supporters attended numerous meetings of Town, District and County Councils.
By June 1993, WAG was setting up stalls in St John’s churchyard, started a petition, took names of people that wanted to support WAG, and collected donations towards WAG’s funds. The donations were used to create posters, leaflets, badges and stickers.
Supporters were asked to provide evidence of their experiences of walking on Wyndham Hill, with a huge response. Traffic surveys on Sherborne Road were undertaken and a geological survey was organised. A wildlife survey was conducted by WAG that showed there were endangered plants along the course of the old railway track; there were also signs of moths, bats and badgers that were supposed to be protected. A survey of shop keepers in the vicinity also suggested that local shopkeepers saw little benefit; they were more concerned about the impact of high rents and rates. WAG arranged sponsored walks around Ninesprings and Wyndham Hill to emphasise that the areas were intrinsically linked.
In August, the developer set up a marquee in the Old Town Station car park, opposite to what is now Wilkinsons but was then an empty shop after Tesco moved to its current location. WAG was allowed a stall to set out their objections.
In the early days, many WAG supporters took part in stunts like chaining bicycles to the doors of the council offices at Brympton Way. Direct action stunts helped to keep the campaign in the papers but, while the publicity was welcome, not all WAG’s supporters were happy that WAG was blamed for incidents of vandalism. It seemed that some councillors saw all of us as one homogenous group and accusations were made against WAG that the group felt were unjustified. Consequently, the local media often seemed biased against all protestors.
WAG agreed to distance itself from those groups who favoured direct action and adopted a formal constitution to determine how to conduct its activities. This constitution clarified the group’s objectives to protect “the escarpment to the south of Yeovil town centre” and to establish a conservation area to preserve it for future generations. The constitution also laid out how its committee would operate, how it would be elected, how it would manage its finances, and how it would maintain communications with its supporters. In the days before the Data Protection Act, WAG also felt that the constitution should also protect the privacy of its supporters since the group had faced attempts to force it to disclose their names. Although it was never stated in the constitution, WAG began to focus on lobbying activities and legal challenges to the developers rather than direct action.
WAG was buoyed
in November 1993
when Yeovil Town
Council voted
to oppose the
scheme, but they
were overruled
by SSDC and SCC.
WAG then
attended council
meetings in such
numbers that
many people had
to remain
outside. WAG
also held a
public meeting
in Monmouth Hall
that was equally
crowded. Because
of the publicity
our campaign was
attracting, the
meeting got TV
coverage that
showed Paddy
Ashdown facing
some very
approaches, the
various groups
involved in the
protest had a
lot of common
ground and
around forty
supporters went
on a coach trip
to London. This
group visited
Liberal Democrat
HQ and burnt a
copy of their
manifesto. They
also visited the
Sainsbury HQ and
showed the
petition, which
now included
around 4,500
names. The group
later delivered
the petition to
the Houses of
Paddy Ashdown
was not there
but Denis
Skinner MP
accepted the
petition on his
behalf and gave
it to him during
the next Prime
Question Time.
Thanks to WAG’s
“telephone tree”
and regular
newsletters, it
had widespread
public support
and got national
However, at the
start of 1994,
SSDC approved
application. WAG
took on a
Judicial Review
and legal
challenges about
the use of
footpaths and
these continued
for many months.
WAG organised
picnics on the
hill, skittle
matches, quiz
nights, jumble
sales, organised
petitions and
public meetings.
Letters were
written to the
press, to
councillors, to
ministers, and
anyone else the
group thought
might listen.
Despite SSDC
Safeway won
their appeal and
the development
went ahead.
WAG’s appeal
against the
application was
turned down, but
WAG continued
with its
application for
Town Green
status for
Wyndham Hill.
In 1995, WAG continued its objections to the SCC Structure Plan which included a road around Wyndham Hill as part of A30 “improvements” (Stage IV Relief Road). However, WAG also supported SSDC in opposing plans by Orange to build a telecommunications mast on the top of Summerhouse Hill that would have been fifty feet tall.
WAG organised a photographic exhibition at Compton House; another picnic and kite flying on the hill, and a stall at the Environmental Fair. With the help a Transport 2000 representative, we also proposed a “light rail” tram system to carry people from our two railway stations, along what is now the Railway Walk, towards Westlands and the SSDC offices at Brympton Way.
Sainsbury withdrew their application, allegedly because of financial problems. However, another developer called the Peaston Group came forward with another plan to build a supermarket on the hill. This plan was approved by SSDC, but WAG continued the Town Green application and their various objections.
Citizens Jury
In 1996, SSDC
was one of seven
Authorities to
convene a
Citizens Jury to
review planning
Fourteen jurors
were selected to
reflect the
local population
and they were
asked how they
would improve
the area around
the Eastern end
of Yeovil town
centre. The
Citizens Jury
took place over
five days, Two
WAG committee
members gave
evidence and WAG
entered formal
objections to
the Local Plan.
The Citizens
Jury made
one of which was
to abandon the
Stage IV Relief
Road. Another
was to build a
leisure complex
in the area and
WAG campaigned
for the
inclusion of a
gym and bowling
alley instead of
just sedentary
facilities such
as a cinema and
SSDC debated buying Wyndham Hill from the Newton Estate but nothing much changed on the ground. Earth First and other environmental protest groups occupied trees on Wyndham Hill and dug tunnels to evade eviction. The Peaston application faded away, but the Council were inviting applications from other developers. WAG’s Town Green application was still “being processed” and discussions continued about a light rail system.
The protestors were eventually removed from the hill and SSDC decided to back a leisure complex. There were four potential developers; two included the bottom of Wyndham Hill in their plans so WAG again opposed their proposals. A company called Greenbrook became the preferred developer. WAG had not originally objected to their plan as it did not impact the hill, but they did include a road development and the group objected to that.
In 1998, WAG attended the Examination in Public (EIP) into the SCC Structure Plan. The EIP recommended removal of Policy 57 regarding the road around Wyndham. WAG held an egg-rolling competition on Wyndham Hill and applied for the area to be classified as a Millennium Green.
The following year WAG held a public meeting to gain support for its Millennium Green application and got support from a surveyor. Sadly, the application was rejected. SSDC began negotiations to buy the land from Newton Estate and WAG tried to set up a Charitable Trust to preserve the area.
the tide
As we entered
the new century,
the Relief Road
was formally
deleted from the
Local Plan and
started about
creating the
Country Park.
The following
year, WAG’s
attempt to set
up a Trust was
turned down by
the Charities
Commission and
SSDC continued
to negotiate to
buy the land.
WAG held
discussions with
about keeping
the character of
the hill as part
of the Country
In 2002, the
Country Park was
set up but the
Relief Road was
under discussion
again. As there
was no statutory
protection for
the Country
Park, WAG
vigilant. The
group continued
to monitor the
Country Park
project and
update its
supporters. In
2003, WAG worked
with SSDC to
plant new lime
trees on the
summit of
Wyndham, paid
for by the
these trees were
destroyed by
vandals. Another
set of lime
trees were
planted in 2004
but, despite
these were also
damaged by
vandals. It was
agreed that the
Country Park was
now well enough
established and
there was no
longer an
immediate threat
to the hill. It
seemed that WAG
had achieved the
objectives in
constitution, so
began the
process of
disbanding the
Many thanks to Dave Osborne for the above.
Courtesy of Dave
A poster published by the Wyndham Action Group featuring before and after visions of what might happen to Wyndham Hill had the Sainsbury's development been built.
Courtesy of Dave
A hand-drawn poster by 'Wilf'.