Yeovil People

William Forde

of the Angel Inn


William Forde was the owner of the Angel Inn in Hendford, but very little is known of his life. His wife was named Christian and they had at least three sons - Lyonell, Robert and Thomas - and at least five daughters - Johane [Joan], Thomazine [Tamsin], Alice, Elizabeth and Christian.

He was a prominent and wealthy Yeovilian, owning properties and farmlands in Yeovil, Kingston and Pitney. Although he was also the owner of the Angel Inn, the painting below (see Gallery) was a later building than that of William's time, since the Angel Inn was completely destroyed by fire, probably in the Great Fire of Yeovil in 1637, after which it was rebuilt.

William was a Churchwarden in 1572 and 1573 and the Woborn Muniments record that in 1589 he was elected Custos of the Woborn Almshouse - as was his son, Thomas, in the year 1600.

In 1575, the Churchwardens' Accounts recorded that he played the important part of Robin Hood - "of Wm Forde being Rob: Hood this year" - in the annual Yeovil pageant of the period. The pageant was usually held on Ascension Day, a traditional church feast day celebrated on a Thursday, the fortieth day from Easter Day. The chief purpose of the pageant was to raise money for church funds and the income derived from the pageants was a considerable sum each year; for example £17 2s 0d raised in 1575, when William played the part of Robin Hood, would be worth around £6,000 at today's value. The monies were collected from the townspeople by the Churchwardens in much the same way that Somerset street carnival collectors do today.

William wrote his will (see below) on 23 May 1591, died probably immediately after writing it, and was buried in St John's churchyard on 30 May 1591.




This photograph shows much of the centre of the original painting of 1810 and shows the Borough and, beyond the Market House, the length of High Street. The Angel Inn is clearly seen in the distance with its archway and triple window over.


An enlargement of the previous 1810 image showing the Angel Inn at centre.


The 30 May 1591 record of William Forde's burial from St John's parish register.


1591 will of william forde


In the name of God amen The three and Twentyth Daye of May Anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo nouageesimo primo [1591] and in the Three and Thirtith yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God of England Fraunce and Ireland Queene Defender of the Faith &etc I William Ford of Kyngston iuxta yevell within the parishe of yevell in the County of Som[er]sett beinge sicke in body and neverthelesse (lawded be God) of perfect mynd and remembraunce callinge to my mynde the frayltie of man and howe necessarie a thinge it is for every xpian [that is, Christian] to be in a contynuall readynes for Death whensoever the goodwill and pleasure of God is to call do make and Declare this my present last will and Testament in manner and forme followinge viz First I bequeath and comment my sowle into the handes of my most gracious and mercyfull Lord God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost three persons and one Almightie eternall and incomprehensible God beinge most certaynly perwwaded that my sinnes which be greavous and heavie are forgiven and myne elelxtion sealed upp in the blood and merritts of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ And my body I commytt to the earth from whence it came. Item I give to the Cathedrall Church of Wells fowre pence. Item I give and bequeath unto the poore people of the parishe of Yevell the somme of Twenty Shillings Item I give and bequeath will and devise unto my daughters Johane Tamsyn and Alice Ford all that my Capitall messuage Inn and Tenement called the signe of the Aungell scituate in Henford within the parishe of Yevell aforesaid and all the howses buildings stables barnes curtilages bartons gardens landes meadowes and pastures with thappurtenances to the same Capitall messuage Inn or tenement belonging or in anie wise appertayninge And also one Cottage with thappurtenances in Henford aforesaid now in the teanure of one Thomas Farley and all lands meadowes and pastures to the same Cottage belonginge And all rentes reserved uppon any Demyses or grauntes heretofore made of the premisses or of any parte thereof To have and to holde the said Capitall messuage Inn or tenement and all other the premisses with their appurtenances unto the said Johane Thomazine and Alice Ford and theire assignes from the Daye of my Death untill the ende of the terme and for and during the full & whole terme of myne yeares from thence followinge fully to be compleate and ended yeldinge therefore yearely to my heires the yearely rent of fowre pence at the feast of Easter yf yt be lawfully demaunded. Item I give and bequeath unto my said three Daughters Johane Thomazine and Alice three feather beddes with all thappurten[a]nces except bedsteedes viz to every one of them one. Item I farther give unto my Daughter Johane my best crocke my best panne and three platters two porringers one brasse Candlesticke and two sawcers And to my Daughter Thomazine my second best crocke my second best pann one candlesticke three platters two porringers and two sawcers. And to my Daughter Alice my third best crocke my Third best panne one candlesticke three platters two podingers and two sawcers. Item I give and bequeath unto my said Daughter Johane the somme of Twenty pounds of lawfull Englishe money to be payed at the Day of her marriage Also I give and bequeath unto my said Daughter Thomazine the somme of Twenty poundes of lawfull Englishe money to be payed at the Day of her marriage. Also I give and bequeath unto my said Daughter Alice the somme of twenty pounds of lawfull money of England to be payed her at the Day of her marriage. And my will and intent is that yf it happen anie one or more of my said Daughters to Die before the Daye of her marriage that then her Legacie of Twenty poundes shall remayne and be to all the residue of my Daughters survivnge and unmarried to be equall Devided betweene them. Item I give will and Devise unto my Daughters Elizabeth and Christian Ford all that my Capitall messuage Inn and tenemente called the signe of the Aungell and all howses buildings barnes stables Curtilages landes meadowes and pastures with thappurtenances to the same Capitall messuage Inn or ten[emen]te belonging or in anie wise appertayninge with all and singular theire appurten[a]nces And also the said Cottage in Henford aforesaid with thappurten[a]nces and all landes meadowes and pastures to the said Cottage belonginge And all manner of rentes reserved uppon the Demyses and grauntes heretofore made of the premisses or any parte thereof. To have and to holde the said Capitall messuage Inn and tenemente and all other the premisses with thappurten[a]nces unto the said Elizabeth and Xpian [ie Christian] my Daughters and theire assignes from and ymmeadiatly after the expiracon of the said terme of nine yeares before Devised to my other three Daughters for and Duringe the full and whole terme of six yeares from thence next followinge fully to be compleate and ended Yeldinge and payinge therefore yearly Duringe the said terme unto my heires the yearly rent of fowre pence at the feast of Easter yf yt be lawfully Demaunded. Item I give and bequeath unto my said Daughter Elizabeth a feather bedd furnished (the bedsteed excepted) one crocke one panne thre platters two porringers one Candlestick and two sawcers. Item I give and bequeath unto my said Daughter Christian a feather bedd furnished (the bedsteed excepted) one crocke one panne thre platters two porringers one Candlestick and two sawcers. Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne Lyonell Ford my said Capitall messuage Inne and tenemente called the signe of the Aungell and all howses buildings barnes stables barton courtes gardens landes meadowes and pastures to the same Capitall messuage Inn or tenemente called the signe of the Aungell belonginge or in any wise appertayninge And allso the said Cottage and all lands meadowes and pastures to the same Cottage belonginge with thappurten[a]nces and all manner of rentes reserved uppon anie Demises or grauntes heretofore made of the premisses or of any parte or parcell thereof To have and to houlde the said Capitall messuage Inne or tenemente and all other the premisses with thappurten[a]nces unto the said Lyonell Ford his executors and assignes from and ymediatly after the ende expiracon and Determinacon of the said severall termes of yeares before Devised unto my said Daughters untill thende and terme and for and duringe the full and whole terme of Threescore yeares from thence next followinge fully to be compleate and ended yeldinge and payinge therefore yearely Duringe the said terme unto my heires and assignes the yearely rente of Forty shillings of lawfull Englishe money pyable at two usuall feasts or termes of the yeare That is to saye at the feast of Saint Michaell tharchangell and Thannunciat[i]on of the blessed virgin Marie by even portions. And also yeldinge and payinge therefore yearely unto my sonne Roberte and his assignes for and duringe the terme of the natuarall lyfe of Xpian [ie Christian] my wife the yearly rente of fowre poundes of lawfull money of England payable at fowre usuall feasts or termes of the yeare that is to saye at the Nativitie of Sainte John the Baptiste Saint Michaell the Archaungell the birth of our Lord God and Thannunciat[i]on of the blessed virgin Mary or within Twenty Dayes next ensuinge any or everie of the said feasts at my nowe Dwellinge howse in Kingston iuxta Yevell aforesaid by even portions the firste paymente whereof to begin and to be made at such feast of the feasts aforesaid as shall first happen next after the commencemente of the said terme and not before. Item I give unto my said sonne Robert Forde one heyfer yearlinge one acre of wheate and fowre of my best sheepe And to my sonne Lyonell one heyfer yearlinge Item I give and bequeath unto my said sonne Thomas Ford my gray nagge. Also I give and bequeath unto my said sonne Thomas Ford my plough stuffe and my brewinge kettell and two standing bedsteedes to be Delyvered uppon the Decease of my wife and not before and she to have the use of yt Duringe her lyfe. Item I give unto my man John Holwaye one sheepe. Item I give unto John brooke the sonne of Anthony Brooke Twelve pence. Item I give will and Devise unto my said sonne Thomas Ford all my lands tenementes and hereditamentes in Kingston iuxta Yevill aforesaid Yevill and Pitney in the said County of Somersett which I late purchased to me and my heires of John Sidenham Esquire Deceased. To have and to holde the said lands tenementes and hereditamentes to the sayd Thomas Forde and to the heires males of his body lawfully begotten or to be begotten And for Default of such yssue the said lands tenementes and hereditamentes wholy to remayne to my sonne Robert Ford and to the heires males of his body lawfully begotten or to be begotten And for Default of such yssue the said lands tenementes and hereditamentes wholy to remayne to Lyonell Ford my sonne and to the heires malles of his body lawfully begotten or to be begotten And for Default of such yssue the said lands tenementes and hereditamentes to remayne to the Right heires of me the said William Ford for evermore. All the residue of my goodes and Chattells not before given and bequeathed I give and bequeath unto Christian my wife whome I make sole Executrixe of this my present last will and Testament And I appoint my broth[er] Hugh Ford William Jennings of Kingston Roger Withell and John Dyer to see that this my present last will and testamente be executed with effect. In witnesse whereof I have to this my present last will and testamente sett my hand and seale the Daye and yeare first above written

William Ford

Witnesses John Dyer     Hugh Ford     William Jennings     Roger Withell     Thomas Jacobbe


Proved at London, 24 November 1591



Transcribed by Bob Osborn