the history of yeovil's pubs





black cock

South Street


Before it became an inn, the building occupied by the Black Cock was owned by the Woborn Almshouse and is mentioned in the Woborn Muniments as early as 1610. It fronted onto South Street, near the junction with Bond Street (which wasn't, of course, laid out as a road until 1830 but it helps to locate the building). Indeed the site is today occupied in part by the former Holy Trinity church, now Foyer Court.

It is not really known when the Black Cock started life as an alehouse, probably around 1680 by Edward Heyward the elder. By 1773 it was recorded as "burgage in South Street formerly known as the Black Cock, formerly held by Edwd Hayward, apothecary, and his son Edwd" and by 1774 was noted as being 'very ruinous'. In 1773 it was still a property belonging to the Custos and Wardens of the Almshouse of Yeovil.

The map above, based on Watts survey of 1806, shows the probable site of the Black Cock in yellow. South Street was called as such as early as 1335 but became known as Back Street by 1542, reverting to South Street in the mid-19th century. Frogg Street later became Park Street and Grope Lane became Wine Street, which went all the way to the Borough before Union Street was built and absorbed the lower half of Wine Street.




Looking down South Street in the 1950s. Just beyond the two larger houses at centre are two smaller houses, just before the junction of Bond Street. The site of the Black Cock is believed to be where the nearer (white) small house is - with the car nearly outside.




1687 – Edward Heyward (senior) (Lease)
to 1733 – Edward Heyward (junior) (surrender of Lease)
1773 – Henry Donn (Lease)




Documentation as a Dwelling


Lease for 21 years at an annual rent of 5s. John Helyar, custos, John Hardinge, John Dyer jun., wardens, to Lawrence Brooke of Yevell, woollen weaver - Tenement in South Street between land of Walter Phelpes on the east and Sir John Sydenham, knt, and of Portreeve and Burgesses on the west - Fine £6. - 6 May 1610 - Witnesses, Henry ??reen. Endorsed: Lawrence Brooke South Street in Yeovil 6 May for 21 years. (Woborn Muniments No. 6)


Lease for 3 lives at an annual rent of 13s 4d. Samuel Hardinge, custos, Robert Prowse, gent., Christopher Allambridge, wardens to John Sharpe of Yeovil, shoemaker - Burgage in South Street, between land of Thomas Grobham (occupant John Petney) on east and of late Sir John Sydenham, knt, and of Portreeve on west (formerly occupied by Lawrence Brooke) - 21 June 1631 - Witnesses, John Jacobb, John Torr, John Withell. Endorsed:
Lease surrendered by John Sharpe 8 Sept '36 and granted to John Hacker the Younger for 99 years at annual rent of 13s.4d. - Signed: John Torr, Christopher Allambridge, Thomas Lane, Thomas Marshe. (Woborn Muniments No. 22)


Lease for 99 years at annual rent of 13s 4d. John Weadon, custos, John Jacobb, Thomas Marshe, wardens to John Hacker, silkweaver, of Yeovil - Burgage in South Street between land of Thomas Grobham, now in possession of John Pitt, esq. on east and of John Sydenham esq. and the Portreeve on the west (surrender by John Sharpe, shoemaker, of Yeovil) - Fine 20s. - 8 September 1636 - Signed: John Wheadon, John Jacobb, Thomas Marshe - Witnesses: Thomas Lane, John Withell, Christopher Allambridge, John Torr. (Woborn Muniments No. 24)


Counterpart Lease for 99 years & 3 lives for annual rent of 13s 4d. Nathaniell Cary, custos, William Winsor, Giles Hayne, wardens to Lawrence Wills 'gardner' of Yeovil (surrender of existing lease for 99 years, term of 2 lives). - Burgage and garden and orchard in South Street, between land of late John Grubham deceased now held by Tremer Rowe on east and land of late Sir John Siddenham, Knt, and of Portreeve and Burgesses on the west, (now held by Thomas Whiteby). - lives of Lawrence Wills, and Elizabeth Anne daughter of L.W. - Fine £4 - 30 May 1666 - Signed: Lawrence Wills, Witnesses, John Cary, Mathew Wills, William Winsor, Giles Hayne. (Woborn Muniments No. 61)


Lease for 3 lives at an annual rent of 13s 4d. George Drew, custos, John Cary, Nathaniell Cary, wardens, to Edward Heyward, apothecary of Yeovill, - Burgage, garden and orchard in South Street between land of Thomas Grobham on the east and Sir John Sydenham, knt, and of the Portreeve and Burgesses of Yeovill on the west, now in the occupation of Thomas Whittby - Lives of Edward Heyward, Anne his wife, and Jeane their daughter. - Fine £21-3.j.ii. 12 May 1687 - Signed John Cary, Nathaniel Cary: Witnesses - Wm. Harbin, Amb. Seward, Geo. Prowse, John Old, John Knight, Geo. Moore, Christopher Isaacs. Endorsed: The Custos lease of my house in Back Street - 1687 (Woborn Muniments No. 74)


Surrender of Lease - by Edward Heyward (son of original lessee) and Joan Glisson, widow (daughter of original lessee) to Wyndham Harbin, Esq., custos, Richard Cok, & Ambrose Seward, mercer, wardens - Burgage in South Street between land formerly Thos. Grobham) now of Thomas Beale, gent, on the east, and land (formerly of Sir J Sydenham) now of Portreeve and Burgesses on the west - Payment made to Edward Heyward £43 - Witnesses John Rooke, Thomas Swaffield: signed Edward Heyward (Woborn Muniments No. 89)

Documentation as the Black Cock


Lease 16 June 1773. John Newman of Barwick, gent, and Henry Donn, glover, Burgage (Tenement, Gardens and Orchard) in South Street, formerly known as 'The Black Cock' formerly held by Edward Heyward, apothecary, and afterwards by his son Edward. (Donn Papers - Deeds 395 - SRO DD/PR W51/8.10)


House 'very ruinous' - H Donn formerly J Marsh (Donn Papers)