Yeovil People

The kitson family

Brewers of Yeovil Old Brewery, Hendford


The Kitson family of Yeovil were descended from John Kitson of Yeovil. The family possessed old seals bearing the arms and crest of the Kitsons of Hengrove and it is thought that they may have been descendants of the Thomas Kitson who succeeded to Bere Lytchett under the will of Sir Thomas Kitson in 1602.

In a Chancery suit of 1719, Abington v Prowse, John Kitson of Yeovil, gent., described himself as being aged 56, so he was therefore born around 1663. This John Kitson (usually prefixed 'Mr' in the parish registers as a mark of respect) had a son Samuel (1) (c1700-1744), a daughter, Mary, baptised on 18 September 1701 at St John's church, a son Thomas baptised on 1 June 1704, a daughter Bettey baptised on 20 March 1705, a son Richard (b1709) and a daughter Margaret baptised on 5 February 1711.


Samuel Kitson (1)

The earliest record we have of Samuel Kitson (1) is from the Newton Somerville Estate Account Book stating "A Monthly Rate made made this 8th day of April 1729 by Andrew Everton & George Butcher Churchwardens. Richard Cox Gent., William Marsh, John Dyer, Samuel Kitson - Overseers of the Poor of ye said P[ar]ish of Yeovill." This would suggest that Samuel Kitson (1) was born around 1700 and was the son of John Kitson above.

Also in 1729, Samuel (1) paid 1s 5d to the Poor Rate for what must have been a medium-sized property in the Manor of Kingston.

As well as being Overseer of the Poor, Samuel (1) was also a Churchwarden of St John's church for the years 1730 to 1732. The Churchwarden's Accounts of 1732 noted that Samuel Kitson (1) was a timber merchant.

Among the bonds and associated papers involving Hugh Donn of Yeovil, mercer, and his wife, Mary, held at the Taunton Heritage Centre are "loose accounts for disbursements on houses (including the malt house) by Samuel Kitson" dating to 1735-6, denoting that Samuel (1) was also a maltster, and probably also a brewer.

In 1737, Samuel Kitson (1) became the Portreeve of Yeovil. Although it is known that his wife was named Mary, the record of his marriage has not been found. Samuel (1) and Mary had six children; John (1727-1752), William (1729-1781), Samuel (2) see below, Mary (1732-1803) who married John Phelips, Susan (1733-1789) and Richard (b1734).

Samuel Kitson (1) died in 1744, and Mary died in 1754.


Samuel Kitson (2)

Samuel Kitson (2) was the third son of Samuel Kitson (1) and Mary. He was born on 18 August 1730 in Yeovil.

On 3 December 1765, at St John's church, he married Elizabeth Jeans, known as Betty (1745-1816). They were to have three children, all born in Yeovil; William (1768-1814), Samuel (3) - see below - and Mary (b1772).

In 1770 and 1771, Samuel (2) also served as a Churchwarden of St John's church.

A deed dated 1770 records Samuel (2) as a maltster like his father and he founded the Yeovil Old Brewery in Hendford (the site is now the Masonic Hall). The Old Brewery was later described as "... most desirably situate in Hendford, in the town of Yeovil, together with the commodious dwelling-house and extensive garden adjoining... The Trade Premises comprise a good 10-quarter Malthouse and Brewery, well supplied with water, extensive Cellarage, Stable, Loft, Waggon-house, Counting-house and Outbuildings." The house was described as "consisting of 3 good sitting rooms on the ground floor, 5 bedrooms, and roomy attic over, kitchen, scullery, larder and underground cellar."

Samuel Kitson (2) died in 1782 and was buried in St John's churchyard on 28 March 1782. His wife Betty clearly took on the business, since the Universal British Directory of 1790 noted 'Mrs Kitson' as a maltster and her son Samuel Kitson (3) as a brewer.

In fact Samuel (2)'s widow Betty appears to have been quite prosperous and the Woborn Almshouse Account Book records her as the licensee of the Pall Tavern in Silver Street in 1796. The Woborn Property Rents of the same year also record that she was paying rent for the Three Cups (later the George) in Middle Street and presumably sub-letting it.

An indenture dated 24 June 1790 conveyed the Half Moon Inn in Corn Market (today's Silver Street) for £300 by William Latton to Mrs Betty Kitson. In a further indenture, dated 21 March 1798, Betty conveyed the Half Moon to Robert Tucker for £315.

Betty died in Yeovil in 1816, aged 71.


Samuel Kitson (3)

Samuel Kitson (3) was the second son of Samuel (2) and Betty. He was born on 30 August 1769. The Universal British Directory of 1790 noted Samuel Kitson (3) as a brewer, and he was recorded as a maltster in a deed of 1810. This same year, at the age of 41, he married 24-year old Susannah Chubb Bellamy (1786-1832) at St John's church, by license on 8 February 1810. Susannah, also recorded as Susan, was the daughter of the late Edward Bellamy Esq. of Cheddington, Dorset. Samuel (3) and Susannah had five children; Elizabeth (b1811), a son, Samuel Kitson (4), who was baptised at St John's church on 24 February 1813, followed by a daughter Mary, baptised on 1 August 1817, and a daughter Caroline baptised on 10 August 1819, both at St John's. Finally, another son Edward Bellamy (c1820-1866).

The Kitson family rented the Pall Tavern from the Woborn Almshouse until at least 1826 and certainly in this year the Land Tax records indicate that Susanna Kitson was also paying tax on the Three Cups and sub-letting it to John Thomas.

For Susannah's will, see below.

Samuel (3) was a brewer and maltster of the Yeovil Old Brewery in Hendford.

Thomas Cave (1781-1863)  was living in Yeovil by 1818 and in 1824 he established a brewery in Clarence Street (actually behind his house in Princes Street). What is rarely known, however, is that from a lease of 1825 in my collection Thomas Cave rented a malthouse adjoining today's 1 & 3 Princes Street. In 1824 Samuel (3) and Thomas Cave entered a partnership - Kitson & Cave - which was listed in Pigot's Directory of 1824.

Thomas Cave (1781-1863)  was living in Yeovil by 1818 and Samuel (3) and Thomas Cave entered a partnership - Kitson & Cave - which was listed in Pigot's Directory of 1824. However, Samuel (3) died in 1823, and his share of the partnership was carried on by his wife Susannah.

After Cave's departure from Kitson & Cave, Samuel's widow, Susanna, entered into a partnership with Edmund Henning. Edmund moved his family to Yeovil, probably as a result of the advertisement seeking a partner (see Gallery) placed in the 5 April 1830 edition of the Western Flying Post. Susanna and Henning went into partnership as 'maltsters and brewers' at the Yeovil Old Brewery. The brewery had been in the possession of the Kitson family since its foundation in 1771. The partnership between Susanna Kitson and Edmund Henning was dissolved in 1835.

Susannah Kitson died in Yeovil, after a short illness, on 9 July 1832, aged 46. The partnership between Susanna Kitson and Edmund Henning was not officially dissolved until August 1835.

Edmund Henning carried on the Old Brewery in his own right - presumably having purchased the brewery from Susanna Kitson's estate. Edmund Henning died in Yeovil in 1861. His son John inherited the Old Brewery, which he sold off piecemeal within two months of his father's death.


For the Kitson Family Tree, click here



Edward Bullock Watts' map of 1806 showing the Kitson's brewery / malthouse at centre. The road running along the top is West Hendford (labelled Salthouse Lane) and Hendford runs diagonally from the top right quadrant to the bottom left corner.


This is a portion of the 1842 Tithe Map showing West Hendford running along the top and joining Hendford which comes up from bottom left. Hendford House is today's Manor Hotel and the Kitson's 'Yeovil Old Brewery' is shown at centre and marked as Parcel 369.




The record of the 20 February 1727 baptism of John, eldest son of Samuel Kitson (1) from St John's parish register.


The record of the 3 December 1766 marriage of Samuel Kitson (2) and Betty Jeans from St John's parish register.


The record of the 8 February 1810 marriage of Samuel Kitson (3) and Susannah Chubb Bellamy from St John's parish register.


A notice placed in the 5 April 1830 edition of the Western Flying Post noting the 'retirement' of Thomas Cave from the partnership.


1832 will of Susannah Kitson

This is the last Will and Testament of me Susannah Kitson of Yeovil in the County of Somerset Widow Whereas by virtue of a certain Indenture of Settlement made on my marriage with Samuel Kitson late of Yeovil aforesaid Malster deceased bearing date on or about the seventh day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ten power was reserved for us jointly to dispose of the premises therein and hereinafter mentioned to all and every or such one or more of the child or children of the said marriage and for such Estate and Estates and in such parts and proportions as we should by deed or deeds direct limit or appoint and in default of such direction limitation or appointment then the survivor of us should by deed or will direct limit or appoint in such manner and to such children as aforesaid And whereas no such disposition as aforesaid was made by us therefore full power to dispose of the said premises as aforesaid has devolved as me as such Survivor Now therefore I the said Susannah Kitson in pursuance and in exercise and execution of the power and authority mentioned and contained in the said Indenture of Settlement hereinbefore mentioned and of all and every other power and powers authority and authorities me in any wise enabling in this behalf do by this my last Will and Testament direct limit appoint and devise all that messuage or dwellinghouse with the Malt house brewhouse cellar Stable Waggon house Barn Hayloft Garden and premises thereunto adjoining and belonging situate in Yeovil aforesaid which said premises were at time of the date and execution of the said Indenture of a Settlement in the occupation of Betty Kitson and now in my own occupation and also all those two Messuages or dwellinghouses adjoining the said last mentioned premises at the time of the date and execution of the said Indenture of Settlement in the occupation of George Watts and [space] Bartlett and now of myself and [space] Robins with the rights [word illegible] and appurtenances to the said several hereditaments and premises respectively belonging unto and to the use of my Son Samuel Kitson his heirs and assigns for ever Also I do hereby in manner aforesaid direct limit appoint and devise all that piece or parcel of Ground or orchard called Rusty Well containing by Estimation three acres at the time of the date and execution of the said Indenture of Settlement in the Occupation of the said Betty Kitson and was in my own occupation situate in Yeovil aforesaid with the appurtenances unto and to the use of my Son Edward Bellamy Kitson his heirs and assigns for ever And whereas by virtue of the said Indenture of Settlement hereinbefore mentioned I have also the right or power (in default of such joint direction limitation or appointment as aforesaid) as such survivor as aforesaid to dispose of the sum of one thousand two hundred pounds therein mentioned unto such child or children of the said marriage in such parts shares and proportions and in such manner and form as I may by deed or will give direct limit or appoints I do therefore in pursuance and in exercise and execution of the power or authority last mentioned or referred unto and of all and every other power and powers authority and authorities me in any wise enabling in this behalf give direct limit and appoint the sais sum of one thousand two hundred pounds and all Interest that may be due thereon at the time of my decease unto my children Elizabeth Kitson Edward Bellamy Kitson Mary Kitson and Caroline Kitson (who with the said Samuel Kitson are all the children of the said marriage) to be equally divided between them share and share alike as they shall severally and respectively attain the age of twenty one years with full benefit of Survivorship (as well as to accruing as original shares) in case of the death of any or either of my said children last mentioned under the age of twenty one years And I hereby desire and direct that in the mean time and until such last mentioned child or children respectively shall attain the age of twenty one years the Interest arising from their respective shares shall be applied in and towards their respective education maintenance and advancement in life as for and concerning all my own proper personal Estate and Effects which I may be possessed of Interested in or entitled unto the [additional 'the'] time of my decease I give and bequeath the same unto Edward Bernard of Crewkerne in the said County of Somerset Surgeon and Edwin Tomkins of Yeovil aforesaid Gentleman their Executors administrators and assigns upon the trusts nevertheless and for the Intents and purposes hereinafter mentioned that is to say Upon trust that they the said Edward Bernard and Edwin Tomkins or the Survivor of them his Executors or administrators do and shall as soon as conveniently may be after my decease by such ways and [word illegible] as to them or him shall seem meet sell dispose of and convert into money so much thereof as be in its nature saleable and collect get in and receive the residue thereof and do and shall stand possessed of the proceeds arising therefrom respectively Upon trust in the first place thereout to pay all my just debts funeral and testamentary expences and do and shall stand possessed of the surplus of such monies Upon trust to pay and divide the same unto and equally between and amongst  my said children Elizabeth Kitson Edward Bellamy Kitson Mary Kitson and Caroline Kitson in equal shares and proportions as they shall severally and respectively attain the age of twenty one years with such benefit of Survivorship as hereinbefore is mentioned in case of the death of any or either of them under that age provided always and I hereby declare that in case any or either of my said children last hereinbefore mentioned shall not have attained the age of twenty one years at the time of my decease it shall be lawful for the said Edward Bernard and Edwin Tomkins and  the Survivor of them and the Executors or administrators of such Survivor from time to time to put place and [continue?] such share or shares respectively arising out of my personal Estate as shall not have become payable at Interest on Government or real or personal security in their or his own names or name and from time to time to alter vary and transpose such security or securities as they or he shall in their or his discretion think fit and to pay and apply the Interest dividends and proceeds arising from such share or shares respectively in and towards the maintenance education and advancement in life of such child or children respectively as will become entitled thereto on his her or their attaining the age of twenty one years And I hereby declare that the receipts of my said trustees or the Survivor of them or the Executors of administrators of such Survivor shall be good discharge for all monies received by them or him by virtue of this my will without the person or persons paying the same being obliged to see to the application or being liable for the misapplication or nonapplicaton thereof and of any part thereof and also that my said trustees shall be chargeable only for such money as they shall actually receive and not the one of them for the other of them but each for his own acts and [deeds?] only Nor shall either of them be accountable for any loss or damage that may happen in the execution of the aforesaid trusts except it shall happen through their or his wilful neglect or misconduct And I do further declare that it shall be lawful for the said trustees their Executors or administrators from time to time out of the trust monies that shall come to their hands to retain to and reimburse themselves all such costs charges and expences as they or either of them shall pay expend or be put unto in about the execution of the trusts hereby in them reposed And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint the said Edward Bernard and Edwin Tomkins Executors in trust of this my Will and hereby revoking all other wills and bequests by me at any time heretofore made I declare this to be my last Will and Testament In Testimony whereof I the said Susannah Kitson the Testatrix have to this my last Will and testament contained in this and the preceding sheet of paper set my hand to the first sheet thereof and my hand and seal to this second or last sheet thereof this eighteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty two

Susanna Kitson

Signed sealed published pronounced and declared by the said Susannah Kitson the Testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto set our names as witnesses thereto

Charles Parsons     Susan Bagg     Edwin Newman


Proved at London  28th March 1833 before the Judge by the oaths of Edward Burnard (in the will written Bernard) and Edwin Tomkins the Executors to whom adm[inistrati]on was granted being first [sworn] by Com[missi]on duly to administer



Transcribed by Bob Osborn