1633 Survey of Kingston Juxta Yeovil

1633 Survey of Kingston

A Survey by William Hussey and Robert Byflete




Survey taken Mon 16 Sep 1633


Annual rents of free tenants


Heirs of John Sydenham esq deceased under age and in the custody of the king George Hacker, John Laver, Richard Collens, Robert Prowse, Thomas Whippie, Thomas Silly, John Phelps, Alice Starr wid, William Gaylard, William Rich, George Brayne, Ambrose Lock, John Dyer, Lionel Whittby




Alexander French jun 21, John French 23, and George French 21 his sons hold by copy granted 26 Aug —  by Edward Lord Stourton the reversion of a cottage, backside, garden, orchard containing 1 virgate [1/4 acre] of land in Kingston formerly in the tenure of Christian French, 55, late wife of Alexander, for their lives, on the death of Christian. modo Christian French wid


Richard Browne holds by copy granted 29 Apr 1626 by Edward lord Stourton, on the surrender by David Ford and Thomas Ford and a fine of £100, a tenement and 35 acres of land, meadow and pasture in Marsh for the lives of Richard 45 mort, and his sons John 12 and Christopher 10. Rent 13s 4d and a heriot when it should arise.


Richard Browne 45 holds by copy dated 26 Aug 1624 by the grant of Edward Lord Stourton, on surrendering his right and that of John Browne, and for a fine of £35, a half tenement or half place called ‘the overhouse' and garden and orchard containing 1 acre, and one close of pasture called Kitchill [Kitts Hill, Brimsmore] containing 8 acres, one close called ‘a parrock' adjoining the said close containing 1 acre, one close of pasture called Linch Parrock [Lynch, Brimsmore] containing 1½ acres, one close of pasture called Lewes close containing 3 acres, one close of pasture called Oxen Leaze [Oxen Furlong?, Hollands] containing 4 acres, one close of arable called Beane Close [Bean Close, Marsh] containing 2½ acres, one parrock of pasture lying near Hartwelles house containing 1 acre, 6 acres of land and pasture lying in a close above Coppidhill [Coppetts Hill, Coppits] and 5 1/2 acres of arable lying in the fields of Kingston and Marsh with appurtenances, to have for the same Richard 45 mort, Phillip 11 and Christopher his sons for their successive lives for the rent per year 6s 8d.


Joan Clothier wid, Valentine Jacobb and John Jacobb hold by copy 28 Sep 1574 granted by John lord Stourton, on the surrender of Joan, and fine of £50, a cottage or barn and close of pasture called Court Ash 1 acre, 10 acres of land lying in the fields of Kingston, and two half tenements or places and two orchards 1½ acres, and 31 acres in Kingston, for the lives of Joan mort ,Valentine mort, John 60. Rent 37s 4d and a heriot.


John Perry holds by copy granted 30 Jul 1627 by Edward lord Stourton, on the surrender of John Wood and Elizabeth Wood his wife by the right of Elizabeth, and a fine of £70, a tenement, 4 closes of pasture lying at Brightmorehill [early name for Goar Knap] 9 acres, a close of land and pasture at Wilkeford 5 acres, an acre of arable at Penn, an acre of in the Middle field and Brimble furlong and a close adjoining St Thomas Crosse for the lives of John 48 mort, Jeronimo Perry 12 mort Thomas Perry 11. Rent 10s and a heriot. Alice Perry wid, Thomas Perry.


John Symes holds by copy granted 16 Oct 1627 by Edward lord Stourton, on the surrender of Anne Molens and a fine of £300, two tenements, 2 half tenements, a cottage and barn, 2 gardens, 3 orchards 8 acres, 2 closes of pasture 14 aces, one of which is called Ryalles and the other Meadeclose, closes of meadow 6 acres, 65 acres of arable, meadow and pasture in Kingston iuxta Evill (except 2 mansion houses called Bennettes and buildings garden and orchard adjoining 1 acre 1 rod, part of the premises formerly held by Robert Burford, rent 4s), for the lives of John mort, John Jeanes 18 mort,  Christopher Jeanes 17 mort. rent £3 17s and 4 heriots.


William Connocke holds by copy granted 11 Sep 1618 by Edward lord Stourton on the surrender of Edward Burbidge and Elizabeth his wife formerly Elizabeth Smyth, and a fine of £18, a cottage, garden and orchard 1/2 acre, and 4 1/2 acres of land in Kingston, for the lives of William mort, and his sons Giles Conock 30, John Conock 24. Rent 4s 8d.


<Henry deleted> Giles White holds by copy granted 17 Oct 1622 by Edward lord Stourton on the surrender of Bartholemew Jacobb and Augustin Trent, and a fine of 40s, 2½ acre of land part of a half tenement formerly held by Joan Jacobb in her widowhood lying in a close called Pickedwick [Pikes, Hollands] part of a tenement of Lionell Chaplin in Kingston, for the lives of Giles 46 mort, and his sons John 12 and Giles junior 10. Rent £12. English Vaman


John Selye holds by copy granted 17 Aug 1615 by Edward lord Stourton, on the surrender of John Selye senior and William Vyvian, a cottage, garden and orchard adjoining ½ acre and a close of pasture at Brightmorehill [early name for Goar Knap] 4 acres and 1 virgate, and 3 virgates in the middle of the field of Kingston, for the lives of John Selye sen mort, and his sons John 40 mort and William 30 Rent 7s. Fine £17 6s 8d.


Thomas Lane, Joan Ganger [or Gauger] wife of John Ganger hold by copy granted 27 Aug 1624 by Edward lord Stourton, on the surrender of the said Thomas and Joan, and a fine of £17 a tenement with orchard 1 acre, 2 closes of meadow and 4 closes of pasture 9½ acres, and 3 acres of arable in Marsh, and a cottage and orchard ½ rod, and 1 virgate of land in Kingston, for the lives of Thomas 68, Joan Ganger 30 mort and Thomas Ganger 14. Rent 12s.


Samuel Carter holds by copy granted 27 Aug 1622 by Edward lord Stourton, on the surrender of Samuel,  Thomas Hellard and Mary Hellard, son and daughter of John Hellard, and a fine of £30, a Cote >within the parish of Martock< and 2 half tenements and mansion houses, a barn, an ox house , backside, garden and orchard, a croft or parrock adjoining 2 acres, 5 acres in a close of meadow called Bottomes mead, 8 acres of arable or pasture called Field Close, a close of pasture called Bottomes 8 acres, a close called Meadecrafte 4 acres, and 7 acres of arable and pasture in a close called Coppidhill [Coppett Hill, Coppitts] in Marsh and in the manor of Kingston iuxta Evill, to hold for the lives of Samuel 50 mort, and his daughters Mary 17 and Joan 15. Rent 13s 4d and a heriot.


Henry Laver holds by copy granted 14 Nov 46 Eliz sic by Edward lord Stourton, on the surrender of Humphrey Victor and a fine of £80, a tenement garden and orchard 1½ acres, a close of arable called Fordes close 4 acres, and 18 acres of land in the fields of Kingston, of which 15 are newly enclosed, and a tenement in Marsh with 2 closes of pasture 8 acres, a close of arable 12 acres and 2 acres of meadow in Greene meade, for the lives of Henry 58, and his son and daughter Henry and Mary. Rent 42s and a heriot. modo Tho Marsh.


John Tawswell holds by copy granted 2 Jan 1609 by Edward lord Stourton, on the surrender of the same John and Richard Tawswell and a fine of £10, a cottage le backside and orchard 3 virgates, a close of pasture called Cuffes Close 3 acres, an acre of arable called Cuffes Acre in Mudford Perry, for the lives of John mort and his sons John 40 and Roger 35. Rent 6s 8d.


Edward Burford holds by copy granted 28 Aug 1620 by Edward lord Stourton, on the surrender of Edward Molens gent and Anne his wife and a fine of £6 13s 4d, a mansion house called Bennettes with buildings, garden and orchard 1 acre 1 rod, for lives of the said Edward Burford 60 mort, and his sons Edward 23 mort and William 18 mort. Rent 4s and 10s for a heriot.


James Everdon holds by copy granted 2 Jun 1574 by John lord Stourton, a tenement in Kingston and orchard adjoining 1 acre, a close of pasture called Brimesmore 4 acres, a close of demesne land called Wevernell 12 acres, 26 acres of customary arable and 5 acres arable called Bourdeland lying in the fields of Kingston, for the lives of James mort, and his sons Edward 80 mort and James 60. Rent 24s. modo wid Master


Alice Hayne holds by copy granted 23 Apr 1583 by John lord Stourton on the surrender of Alice and William Fourd and Christian his wife and a fine of £10, a tenement called Holes Place with orchard adjoining 3 virgates, a close of arable 8 acres, 3 virgate of meadow lying at Galles Pitt 6 acres and 1 virgate of arable lying in the fields of Kingston, for the lives of Alice mort, and her sons George Haine mort  and Joseph 50 mort. Rent 10s 6d and a heriot.  Modo Giles Hayne.


Geoffrey Miller holds by copy granted 5 Sep 1604 by Edward Moore knight and the noble lady Frances Stourton his wife on the surrender of Geoffrey and Elizabeth his wife and a fine of £4, a half tenement and a close of pasture 5a lying near Court Ash, 1/2 acre of pasture lying in Womore, a close of land and pasture at Stonylake 9 acres close lying at Ashly [Ashley, Brimsmore] 4 acres in Kingston, for the lives of Geoffrey 54 and his son William and daughter Sara. Rent 13s 4d. Modo Tho Lane.


James Newman holds by copy granted 10 Oct 1600 by Edward Moore knight and the noble lady Frances Stourton his wife on the surrender of Ellen Newman and Joan Newman and a fine of £13 6s 8d, a cottage, garden and orchard 1 acre, 2 closes of arable 6½ acres and 1 acre of arable lying in the field of Kingston, for the lives of James mort, and his sons John 55 and Nicholas 48. Rent 13s.


Giles Parker holds by copy granted 23 Apr 1588 by John lord Stourton on the surrender of Thomas Pittman and a fine of £72 a tenement, le backside, and orchard attached 3 virgates, a close of pasture 1½ acres in 2 closes of arable 15 acres of arable in the field of Kingston, a half [acre] of meadow lying in Sockford, half of a tenement and a parcel of pasture called Flepinspitt [later Foxey, Marsh] and Foxleaze [later Foxey, Marsh] with commons of pasture for six oxen all the year round, 2 acres in Greenemore [Green Moor, Marsh] in Kingston, for the lives of Giles mort, and Giles Marchant 60 and Lucy Marchant mort, son and daughter of John Marchant. Rent 42 and a heriot. Wid Marchant.


Agnes Game, William Game sen and William Game jun son of Agnes and William hold by copy granted 13 Oct 1631 by Edward lord Stourton on the surrender of the said William Game sen and Agnes and John Hartwell and a fine of £50, the reversion in two half tenements with garden and orchard attached 1½ acres, 3 virgates of meadow lying in Sockeford in Kingston, 30 acres of arable and pasture in the fields of Kingston, for the lives of Agnes 28, William 35 mort, and William their son 5. Rent 40s 4d and a heriot.


George Winsor holds by copy granted 17 Apr 1618 by Edward lord Stourton on the surrender of John Tucker wid, Robert Perry and Mary his wife formerly Mary Tucker and a fine of £160, a tenement and a half tenement in Kingston 2 orchards 1½ acres, a close of meadow 1½ acres another close of meadow at Burymeade 5 virgates of land, a close of pasture 6 acres, 5 closes of arable 9 acres, 6 acres, 5 acres, 2 acres, 2 acres and 22 acres of arable in the fields of Kingston, for the lives of the said George Winsor sen 40, and his sons George 20 mort and William 14. Rent £32 and two heriots.


Nicholas Odams holds by copy granted 16 Jul 1625 by Edward lord Stourton on the surrender of himself and a fine of 40d a close of pasture ½ acre in Kingston a dwelling house or cottage with a barn in Kingston, for the lives of Nicholas Odams mort, John Odams 33 and Nicholas Odams 40. Rent 4d.


Edward Richman sen holds by copy granted 13 Sep 1621 by Edward lord Stourton on the surrender of Edward Richmond sen, Henry Willis and Thomas Willis, a cottage orchard and garden attached 1½ acre, 1 acre of meadow at Ratcliffe lake [Reckless Lake ?, Bridge], a close of land 1½ acres and 5½ acres lying in the fields of Kingston for the lives of the said Richard sic 60 and his sons William 15 and Edward 11. Wid Richman. Rent 12s.


George Hacker holds by copy granted 31 May 1625 by Edward lord Stourton on the surrender of the said George and John Hacker and a fine of £30, 2 closes of arable on the west side of Penn Hill [Penn Hill, Town – but which one?] and a close of arable 10½ acres on the east side of that land occupied by George Winsor as subtenant at Penn Hill, [Penn Hill, Town – but which one?] 1½ acres of arable above the down in the East field, for the lives of George mort, and his daughters Joan 15 and Elizabeth Hacker mort. Rent 13s.

memo: that a lane called the mill way formerly held by Mathew Hacker deceased, is now in the hands of the lord on the surrender of Elizabeth, formerly Mathew’s wife.


John Flower holds by copy granted 14 Feb 1625 by Edward lord Stourton on the surrender of

Thomas Jacobb and John Jacobb and a fine — a half tenement or a half place and pasture in Kingston, a mansion house le backside, orchard, part of a barn and garden 1½ acre, 4 closes of arable and pasture lying together at Lide 9 acres, a close of arable and pasture called Brimscombe 4½ acres occupied by Thomas, (except that part of the barn on which John Jacobb built a cottage as much of the garden as Joan Jacobb wid deceased the mother of Thomas and John and the said John [Flower] surrendered for the use of John), the same John 50 mort, and his daughters Dorothy 21 and Joan 26. Rent —


Roger Traske holds by copy granted 14 Apr 1614 by Edward lord Stourton on a fine of £100, the reversion of 2 half tenements in Kingston held by Roger by the right of Temperance his wife, for the lives of Roger mort, and his sons Arthur 26 and Edward 20. Rent 14s 10d. modo Jo. Pinnfeild


Richard Batchiler holds by copy granted 13 Apr 1609 by Edward lord Stourton the reversion of a dwelling house called Mileres Well, a le backside orchard and garden annexed containing 5 acres land in Kingston, for the lives of Richard 34 mort, and Mary 27 his wife, on the death of John Batchiler mort. Rent 2s. Fine £10


William Andros holds by copy granted 2 Jun 1574 by John lord Stourton, a tenement in Kingston, garden and orchard 3 virgates, a close of arable called Curlesmore [Cullom’s Moor ?, Brimsmore] 3 acres, 11 acres of arable in the common fields of Kingston, for the lives of William mort, and his sons William 60 and James. Rent 7s 7d. Fine £30.


Edward Richmond holds by copy granted 4 Apr 1623 by Edward lord Stourton, fine £60, a cottage orchard and garden ½ acre, 5 acres of arable in Kingston, for the lives of Edward >Richard> 60 and his sons Edward 11 mort and Roger 10. Rent 6s 8d


Giles Rogent holds by copy granted 28 Apr 1603 by Edward Moore knight and lady Frances Stourton his wife on the surrender of John Speere, a cottage and 3 acres of land adjoining, for the lives of Giles 45, Nicholas Speere and Priscilla Smyth 40. Rent 4s.


William Phelps holds by copy granted 17 Aug 13 Jas by Edward lord Stourton on the surrender of William Phelps and Faithful Phelps, a cottage with garden and orchard annexed 3 acres, a close pasture called Nether Lease 1 acre, 3 acres 3 virgate in Kingston field, for the lives of William mort, and his sons Edward 22 and John 20. Rent 15s 4d.


Edward Master holds by copy granted 6 May 1631 by Edward lord Stourton on the surrender of Lionel Chaplin and a fine of £60, a half roofless (roveless) tenement on part of a half tenement on which was but a cottage or dwelling house with orchard, garden, a close of meadow 1½ acres  lying in Greenemore [Green Moor, Marsh], a close of arable at Langlandes Bush 4 acres, 5 acres of arable in a close called Picked Wich, 2 acres and 3 virgate lying on the fields of Kingston, a little close of arable lying at Picked Wich 1 acre, for the lives of Edward 28, and his brothers Samuel Masters 16 and Anthony Masters. Rent 17s 2d and a heriot.


William Jenynges holds by copy granted 28 Aug 1620 by Edward lord Stourton on the surrender of his right and a fine of £50, 3 half tenements or place in Kingston, le Backside and orchard ½ acre, a close of pasture called Townesende close [Townsend Close, Town] 2 1/2 acres, a close of pasture and arable called Pennmillham 10 acres, a close of pasture called Barrowhay 3 acres, 8 acres of pasture at Disshillmore and a cart way, 20 acres of arable lying at Bodham, 2 acres and 3 virgate in Wemore, 19 acres of arable lying in the fields of Kingston, for the lives of William mort, and his sons Giles Jenynges mort and John Jenynges 24. Rent 37s and 2 heriots [3 written above]. Modo wid Jenninges


Thomas Pullen holds by copy granted 17 Oct 1622 by Edward lord Stourton, a fine of 10s, a cottage built on the lord’s waste at Marsh with a garden adjoining 20 goads, for the lives of Thomas 60 and his sons Thomas and William. Rent 16d. Modo Chappell.


William Turner holds by copy granted 28 Aug 1620 by Edward lord Stourton on the surrender of William Limbry and a fine of £4 4s, a cottage in Marsh with garden annexed 1 rod, for the lives of William 47, and his daughters Grace Turner 16 and Agnes Turner 13. Rent 16d. Couper


John Rodbert sen holds by copy granted 12 Apr 1609 by Edward lord Stourton on the surrender of Henry Slape and Denise Nicholas and a fine of 30s, a cottage built at Marsh with garden adjoining, for the lives of John 60 mort, his daughter Joan Rodbert 30 and son John Robert mort. Rent 12d.


Mathew Hacker holds by copy granted 14 Aug 1623 by Edward lord Stourton a fine of 10s, a half tenement or place at Townsend [Townsend Close, Town], and le Backside a close of meadow and pasture lying on the east side of Penn Mill [Pen Mill, Island], a  close of arable below lying at Penmill 13 acres and 3 virgates, for the lives Mathew mort, John Hacker 45 mort, and Joan Hacker 40 wife of Thomas Taylor. Rent 13s.


Benjamin Starr 16 mort and Edmund Starr 25, hold by copy for lives a cottage with garden and orchard adjoining ½ virgate pasture belonging to the cottage called Hardermeade, 3 acres of arable and a Peters Stitch lying in East field. Rent 3s.


Thomas Luckest




Richard Browne sen gent holds by indenture dated 20 Oct 20 Jas [1622] by the grant of Edward late lord Stourton, Sir William Stourton now lord Stourton and dame Frances his wife, in consideration of a surrender of a former lease of the place hereafter mentioned determinable on the death of one William Cooke and a of £70 fine, all that overland containing 5 acres of meadow, 16 acres of pasture & 3 acres of arable in Marsh in the manor of Kingston iuxta Evill (except trees with liberty to carry the same away) to hold the same from the date of the indenture to the said Richard Browne the elder for 99 years if Richard Browne younger 15 mort, John Browne 12, Phillip Browne 11 sons of the said Richard senior or either of them so long live under the yearly rent of 33s 4d payable quarterly by even portions and one capon at Christmas or 12d at the lord’s election (choice), and suit of court.


William Hilson and Richard his son hold by indenture dated 14 May 1609 granted by Edward late lord Stourton and a fine of 40s, a plot of ground lying waste called The Greene Quarry in Kingston at the end on west side Sparrows lane [today's Sparrow Road], for the lives of William 70 and his sons William 32 and Richard 28. Rent 12s and suit of court.


John Pike holds by indenture dated 20 Oct 201622 granted by Edward late lord Stourton, Sir William Stourton now lord Stourton and dame Frances his wife, and in consideration of a former lease determinable on the death of John Tulke and a fine of £5, a cottage or dwelling house built by George Tulke on the waste near St Thomas Crosse with 14 perches of ground, for the lives of John, Henry and William, sons of the said John Pike. Rent 12d and suit of court. modo Nich Rodber.


William Seward holds by indenture dated 1 Oct 20 1631 granted by Edward lord Stourton, Sir William Stourton now lord Stourton and dame Frances his wife, and in consideration of a former lease determinable on the deaths of Ambrose Lock and Joan his wife and Katherine his daughter and a fine of £55, a close of pasture 15 acres called the Redgrove and a several close of meadow called Omore 3 acres (except all timber trees and liberty to carry them away), to hold for the lives of Ambrose Seward 16, Samuel Seward 14 and Thomas Seward 7. Rent 21s and 33s 4d for a heriot.


Nicholas Odams sen and Nicholas his son hold by indenture dated 10 Nov 7 1609 granted by Edward late lord Stourton, in consideration of the surrender of a lease for 60 years determinable on the death of Rt Hon lady Frances late wife of John late lord Stourton, and a fine of £80, a close of pasture under down [in] Meaderne Downe 2 acres, 1 acre 1 rod of meadow  Greene More [Green Moor, Marsh], 2 acres of arable in Bicken Close [Beacon, Hollands] and pasture for 6 oxen in Flippins Pitt [later Foxey, Marsh] and Fox Leaze [later Foxey, Marsh] (except ½ acre in a close called Hallandes [Hollands] and trees and liberty to carry them away), to hold for the lives of Nicholas the father mort, his son Nicholas  30 mort, and Joan 27 his daughter. Rent 20s.


John Bachiler holds by indenture dated 12 Oct 20 1622 granted by Edward late lord Stourton, Sir William Stourton now lord Stourton and dame Frances his wife, and in consideration of a former lease determinable on the death of John and a fine of £10, 2½ acres of pasture sometime part of the demesnes lying in the fields of Kingston at a place called Milkeford [Milford], (except all timber trees and liberty to carry them away), to hold for 99 years and the lives of his sons and daughter, John Batchiler mort, Richard Batchiler 34 and Mary Batchiler 27. Rent 16d.


William Andros holds by indenture dated 1 Jun1574 granted by John late lord Stourton, in consideration of a fine of £20, a close of pasture called Brimmsmore [Brimsmore Tree] in Kingston 4 acres and 11 acres in the lord’s demesnes, to hold for the lives of William mort,  and his sons William 60 mort,  and Thomas mort. Rent 7s. Reversion granted to Sterr


Reynold Courtney and Joan his wife and Giles their son hold by indenture dated 14 May 1609 granted by Edward late lord Stourton in consideration of the surrender of a lease and a fine of 40s, a cottage with garden and plot of ground in Kingston called Pennway; to hold for the lives of Reynold mort, Joan his wife mort, and Giles 40 their son. Rent 12d.


John King holds by indenture dated 12 Oct 1622 granted by Edward late lord Stourton, Sir William Stourton now lord Stourton and dame Frances his wife, for the fine of 40s, a cottage built on the waste of Kingston near the pound 11 perches of ground in length and 24 in breadth; to hold for 99 years and lives of John 40, John 26 his son and John Albin mort. Rent 26d and suit of court. Now Edw Willes


William Jennings, Giles Jennings & Edith Jennings, his children hold by indenture dated 1 Jun 1574 granted by John lord Stourton, for the fine of £26, a cottage called Howne Hill in Kingston, a little close of pasture called Fore Strete Bridge [now Lower Middle Street] 3 yards, 4 acres of meadow lying in Dichelmore and Meade [Hathermead] under Downe [The Down / Hathermead Hill] & 14 acres of arable of the lord’s demenses in Kingston fields. Rent 17s 8d and suit of court. Now Jo Jennings.


Edward Molyns gent holds by indenture dated 28 May 1622 granted by Edward late lord Stourton, Sir William Stourton now lord Stourton and dame Frances his wife, for the consideration of the surrender of a lease made by the said Edward Molyns and a fine of £60, a close of land or pasture called New Close 3 acres, a close of land or pasture called Cox Close 5 acres, a close of meadow called Caplins close 4 acres, and a newly enclosed close in the common fields of Kingston on west end of New close 10 acres, ½ acre of pasture lying upon the highway near Brimsmore [Brimsmore Tree] (except all trees and liberty to carry them away), to hold for 99 years for the lives of the said John Molyns 22 mort, and Henry Molyns 13 mort, sons of Edward and John Jennings 24 son of Giles Jenninges. Rent 49s 6d; 1 capon at Christmas and doing suit of court.

memo this lease now belongs to Mr Giles Jennings by assignment from Mr Edward Molyns.


John Hardinge holds by indenture dated 12 Oct 1622 granted by Edward late lord Stourton, Sir William Stourton now lord Stourton and dame Frances his wife, for the consideration of the surrender of a lease determinable on the death of John Batchiler and a fine of £20, 5 acres of arable enclosed at  a place called Hardermeade, 1 acre of meadow in Greene More [Green Moor, Marsh], in Kingston (except all trees and liberty to carry them away), to hold for the lives of John Harding mort, and his sons Samuel Harding 38 mort, and John Harding 12. Rent 5s. Tremer Rard ???


John Dampyer holds by indenture dated 1 Sep 1631 granted by Edward late lord Stourton, Sir William Stourton now lord Stourton and dame Frances his wife, for the consideration of the surrender of a lease of 99 years determinable upon 2 lives and a fine of £260, a tenement with 7 closes of pasture 37 acres (except all trees and liberty to carry them away); to hold for the lives of Mary Dampier 32 his wife, and his sons John 6 and Joseph 4. Rent £3 2s 4d, doing suit of court and a heriot of best animal.


William Forward holds by indenture dated 28 May 1622 granted by Edward late lord Stourton, Sir William Stourton now lord Stourton and dame Frances his wife, for the consideration of the surrender of a lease and a fine of £140, a close of meadow or pasture called Disselmore, 8 acres, Hardermeade, 2 acres, (except all timber trees and liberty to carry them away); to hold for 99 years or the lives of William’s son Jerome Forward 40, Giles Jenninges 16 son of Giles Jennings and William Laver 24 mort. Rent 16s 8d, a capon at Christmas or 12d and doing suit of court.


Henry Hartwell and William Sterr hold by indenture dated 1 Oct 1631 granted by Edward late lord Stourton, Sir William Stourton now lord Stourton and dame Frances his wife, for the consideration of the surrender of a lease determinable on one life and a fine of £40, 4 acres of arable on the east side of Roger Traske’s land upon the Mylmes in the West Field, 6½ acres of arable in a close by itself on east of the said 4 acres, 2½ acres of arable lying in Colethorne, ½ an acre of meadow in Greene More [Green Moor, Marsh], pasturage for 6 oxen in Fox Leaze [later Foxey, Marsh], 1 acre in a close called Flepinspitt [later Foxey, Marsh]  except all trees and liberty to carry them away), to hold for 99 years or the lives of Alice Sterr 22, Mary Sterr 2  her daughter and Richard Monckton 25. Rent 26s 4d and 20s for a heriot ‘for every ones death dyeing in succession’, and doing suit of court.


Henry Hartwell and William Sterr hold by indenture dated 1 Oct 1631 granted by Edward late lord Stourton, Sir William Stourton now lord Stourton and dame Frances his wife, for the consideration of the surrender of a estate for 3 lives and a fine of £25, of pasturage for 6 oxen in Fox Leaze [later Foxey, Marsh] and 1a of ground (except all timber trees), to hold for 99 years or the lives of Alice Sterr 22, Mary Sterr 2 her daughter and Joan 30 the wife of Francis Beacham. Rent 11s 8d and 13s 4d ‘upon either death dieing in succession.’


Edward Burford holds by indenture dated 3 Jul 1613 granted by Edward late lord Stourton, a close of pasture called Wallrons 9 acres and 1 acre of meadow in Greene More [Green Moor, Marsh], to hold for 99 years and lives of Edward 56, and his sons Edward 23 and John 20; rent 12s 1d. Now Ed Burford.

Memo this lease now belongs to John Harford by assignment from John Burford therefore see the counterpart for this is only recited in the assignment.


Giles Marchant hold by indenture dated 1 Sep 1631 granted by Edward late lord Stourton, Sir William Stourton now lord Stourton and dame Frances his wife, for the consideration of the surrender of one life and a fine of £60, 2 acres of pasture lying in the south part of Penn [Penn Hill, Town – but which one?], 2 acres of arable in East Field, a close of arable 5 acres, 3 acres of meadow in Greene More [Green Moor, Marsh] (except all trees), to hold from the date if the indenture for 99 years or the lives of Katherine Parker wid 40 mort, John White 12 and Giles White 10, sons of Giles White. Rent 24s 4d and 34s 4d for a heriot. Jo White 26 years on ultimate of Oct 1644.


Nicholas Patten holds by indenture dated 24 Oct 1614 granted by John late lord Stourton for the fine of £50, a close of meadow at Meaderne Downe 4 acres, 1 acre of meadow in Greenemore [Green Moor, Marsh], 3 acre of arable in West Field (all timber trees excepted); to hold for the lives of Nicholas mort, and his sons William 28 and Joseph 18. Rent 11s 8d


Thomas Punfold holds by indenture dated 20 Oct 1622 granted by Edward late lord Stourton, Sir William Stourton now lord Stourton and dame Frances his wife, for the consideration of the surrender of one life and a fine of £5, a cottage and backside 1 yard; to hold from the date of the indenture for 99 or the lives of Walter Robbins 52, Mary his wife 50 and Mary Bolster 20 daughter of John Bolster of Marsh. Rent 16d and doing suit of court.


Fides [Faithful] Phelippes holds by indenture dated 20 Oct 1622 granted by Edward late lord Stourton, Sir William Stourton now lord Stourton and dame Frances his wife, for the consideration of the surrender of one life and a fine of 200 marks, 5 closes of land, meadow and pasture called Swyncombe [Swincombe, Bucklers Mead] 40 acres (except all timber trees), to hold from the date of the indenture for 99 or the lives of his sons Joseph Phelippes 25 mort, Edward Phelippes 22 and John Phelipppes 20. Rent 5s and doing suit of court.  Now Jo Phelippes Rent 10s.

memo that Edward late lord Stourton, Sir William Stourton now lord Stourton and dame Frances his wife, by indenture dated 20 Oct 1622 (reciting the grant by indenture dated 28 May 1622 to Thomas Grubham of a pasture ground called Ashley [Ashley, Brimsmore] 5 acres, to hold for lives of Thomas 46, Martha 40 his wife and Elizabeth 16 their daughter. Rent 2s 6d; covenant to levy a fine to confirm the same.


Thomas Hawker holds by indenture dated 20 Oct 1622 granted by Edward late lord Stourton and dame Frances his wife (sic), for the consideration of the surrender of one life the sixth part of Flippens Pitt [later Foxey, Marsh] and Fox Leaze [later Foxey, Marsh], and in consideration of 2 other lives surrendered and a fine of £120, a close of pasture called Flepingspitt [later Foxey, Marsh] 37 acres (except all timber trees and one acre part of Fleppenspitt [later Foxey, Marsh]  lately laid to Fox Leaze [later Foxey, Marsh]); to hold from the date of the indenture for 99 years and lives of Thomas Hawker 44 mort, James Appletree younger 17 and John Jennings 30. Rent 35s; a capon at Christmas or 12d and suit of court.


Nicholas Molton, Faith Molton and Elizabeth Molton his daughters, hold by indenture dated 26 Jan 1615 for the fine of £21, a close off pasture 1 rod, a close of pasture 6 acres, 3 acres of arable, part of the lord’s demesnes in Kingston (all timber trees excepted); to hold for the lives of Nicholas 60, Faith 21 and Elizabeth 23. Rent 10s, with a licence of attorney to make livery but none indorsed.

Memo that this lease is now by meane assignment come to Anthony Traske.


Edward Burford holds by indenture dated 25 May 1622 granted by Edward late lord Stourton, Sir William Stourton now lord Stourton and dame Frances his wife, for the consideration of the surrender a lease granted to Edward Molyns gent and a fine of £40, a close of arable called Couch Close 10 acres in Kingston (except all timber trees with liberty to cut and carry away the same); to hold for 99 years from the date of the lease for lives of John Burford 23, William Burford 20 and Edward Burford 25 his sons. Rent 12s; a capon at Christmas or 12d and suit of court.


Agnes Jennings did hold Pen Mill for 1 year from 24 Jun 1634 under the yearly rent of £40 payable quarterly.



A sample of the 1633 Survey, much of which is in Latin. My apologies to the person who sent this to me but I'm afraid I lost your name, details, etc.