Minor theme - Yeovil pEOPLE Data
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yEOVIL pEOPLE DATAGathered information for individuals prior to 1837 |
F | To search for a name, press the <CTRL> and <F> keys on your keyboard at the same time, then type the name you are searching for. Note that a name may be spelt different ways! |
- When
searching remember
with today,
so always try
spellings -
for example
'DIX' and
- If in doubt, search on part of the name. For example a search for 'LEVER' will find entries for LEVERIDGE, LEVEREDGE, LEVERAGE, etc.
Surname | Forename(s) | Year | Notes | Reference |
Fanstone | Andrew | 1569 | Churchwarden | |
Farley | John | 1775 | Beer Seller | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Farley | Lyonel | 1784 | Plasterer & Tyler | Woborn Muniments |
Farley | Lyonel | 1784 | Plaisterer & Tyler | Woborn Muniments |
Farley | Thomas | 1729 | Kingston - 1½d | Poor Rate Return (Monthly) |
Farley | Thomas | 1729 | Paid 2 shillings (under 10 windows) | Window Tax (Annual) |
Farlye | Thomas | 1569 | Billman | 1569 Muster Roll |
Father | Henry | 1548 | Stable & Garden, 2s pa | Chantry of the Name of Jesus |
Father | Henry | 1548 | Burgage & Garden, 4s 6d | Chantry of the Name of Jesus |
Fathers | Harri | 1557 | Churchwarden | |
Fathers | William | 1569 | Billman | 1569 Muster Roll |
Fawther | Harri | 1558 | Churchwarden | |
Fevyn | Thomas | 1569 | Billman | 1569 Muster Roll |
Fivian | William | 1685 | Sent to Jamaica, 7 years servitude | Bristol Register of Servants |
Flower | William | 1589 | Woollen weaver, South St & Bond St corner | Woborn Property Rents |
Flowre | William | 1569 | Billman | 1569 Muster Roll |
Foorde | William | 1581 | H&W, Goods, Value £6, Paid 6 shillings | Lay Subsidy |
Foot | Charles | 1810 | App'd to Charles Barrett, Cordwainer | John Nowes Charity |
Foot | George | 1819 | App'd to Thomas Fox | John Nowes Charity |
Foot | Grace | 1775 | Wife of James | Will of Ambrose Seward |
Foot | James | 1712 | Rope Maker | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1714 | Rope Maker | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1715 | Rope Maker | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1716 | Rope Maker | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1717 | Rope Maker | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1718 | Rope Maker | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1719 | Rope Maker | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1720 | Rope Maker | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1729 | Hendford - 2d 'for Lionel Wills' | Poor Rate Return (Monthly) |
Foot | James | 1755 | Churchwarden 1755-7 | |
Foot | James | 1762 | Pit Lane, house, Rent 4s pa | Woborn Property Rents |
Foot | James | 1765 | Rope Supplier | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1766 | Rope Supplier | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1767 | Rope Supplier | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1768 | Rope Supplier | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1769 | Rope Supplier | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1770 | Rope Supplier | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1771 | Rope Supplier | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1772 | Rope Supplier | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1773 | Rope Supplier | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1774 | Rope Supplier | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1775 | Rope Supplier | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1775 | Roper | Will of Ambrose Seward |
Foot | James | 1776 | Rope Supplier | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1777 | Rope Supplier | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1778 | Rope Supplier | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1779 | Labourer | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1779 | Labourer | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1779 | Rope Supplier | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1780 | Rope Supplier | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1781 | Rope Supplier | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1782 | Rope Supplier | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1783 | Rope Supplier | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1784 | Rope Supplier | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1785 | Rope Supplier | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foott | James | 1709 | Rope Maker | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foott | James | 1710 | Rope Maker | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foott | James | 1711 | Rope Maker | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foot | James | 1810 | App'd to George Ryall, Glover | John Nowes Charity |
Forbes | 1775 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts | |
Forbes | Bani John | 1774 | Churchwarden | |
Forbes | Bani John | 1775 | Churchwarden | |
Forbes | Bani John | 1775 | Innholder, the Angel Inn | Bath Chronicle |
Forbes | Edward | 1729 | Kingston - 2s 3½d | Poor Rate Return (Monthly) |
Forbes | Edward | 1740 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | Edward | 1741 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | Edward | 1741 | Custos of Woborn Almshouse | Woborn Muniments |
Forbes | Edward | 1742 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | Edward | 1746 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | Edward | 1746 | Warden of Woborn Almshouse | Woborn Muniments |
Forbes | Edward | 1747 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | Edward | 1748 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | Edward | 1749 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | Edward | 1752 | Custos of Woborn Almshouse | Woborn Muniments |
Forbes | Edward | 1753 | Warden of Woborn Almshouse | Woborn Muniments |
Forbes | Edward | 1753 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | Edward | 1754 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | Edward | 1754 | Warden of Woborn Almshouse | Woborn Muniments |
Forbes | Edward | 1757 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | Edward | 1758 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | Edward | 1759 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | Edward | 1760 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | Edward | 1761 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | Edward | 1762 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | Edward | 1763 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | Edward | 1764 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | Edward | 1765 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | Mr | 1760 | Hendford - 2s 5d | Poor Rate Return (Monthly) |
Forbes | Mr | 1761 | Licensee, Angel | |
Forbes | William | 1699 | Churchwarden | |
Forbes | William | 1700 | Churchwarden | |
Forbes | William | 1717 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | William | 1718 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | William | 1722 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | William | 1723 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | William | 1732 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | William | 1734 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | William | 1740 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | William | 1741 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | William | 1742 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Forbes | 1777 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts | |
Ford | Thomas | 1600 | Warden of Woborn Almshouse | Woborn Muniments |
Forde | E | 1621 | Husbandman, Quedam St, tenement | Woborn Property Rents |
Forde | William | 1569 | Archer of Wigdon & Huntley | 1569 Muster Roll |
Forde | William | 1572 | Churchwarden | |
Forde | William | 1573 | Churchwarden | |
Forde | William | 1589 | Custos of Woborn Almshouse | Woborn Muniments |
Forde | William | 1591 | Licensee, Angel | Will |
Forward | John, esq | 1760 | Kingston - 11s 10½d 'Hawkers' | Poor Rate Return (Monthly) |
Forward | Mrs | 1776 | Three Choughs, £30 gross | Woborn Property Rents |
Forward | Mrs | 1776 | Licensee, Three Choughs | |
Forward | Mrs | 1787 | Licensee, Three Choughs | |
Forward | William | 1679 | Overseer | Poor Rate Return (Monthly) |
Fouler | William | 1716 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Foulks | Thomas | 1721 | Vicar | |
Foulks | Reverend | 1729 | Kingston - 2s 6½d | Poor Rate Return (Monthly) |
Fouller | William | 1717 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Fowler | William | 1569 | Pekeman (Pikeman) of Wigdon & Huntley | 1569 Muster Roll |
Fowler | William | 1715 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Fowler | William | 1721 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Fowler | William | 1727 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Fowler | William | 1734 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Fowler | Mr | 1729 | Paid £1 (over 20 windows) | Window Tax (Annual) |
Francis | 1716 | Pit Lane, house | Woborn Property Rents | |
Francis | C | 1765 | Provisions | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Francis | Charles | 1760 | Hendford - 9¾d | Poor Rate Return (Monthly) |
Francis | Charles | 1764 | Churchwarden | |
Francis | Charles | 1765 | Churchwarden | |
Francis | Henry | 1760 | Borough - 1d | Poor Rate Return (Monthly) |
Francis | J | 1716 | Pit Lane, 'Bakehouse', Rent 8s pa | Woborn Property Rents |
Francis | John | 1697 | Pit Lane, house | Woborn Property Rents |
Francis | John | 1729 | Kingston - 1d | Poor Rate Return (Monthly) |
Francis | John | 1747 | Churchwarden | |
Francis | John | 1748 | Churchwarden | |
Francis | John | 1760 | Hendford - 1d 'glover' | Poor Rate Return (Monthly) |
Francis | Mr | 1760 | Hendford - 5½d | Poor Rate Return (Monthly) |
Francis | Mr | 1760 | Marsh - 9½d 'for Cheades' | Poor Rate Return (Monthly) |
Francis | Philip | 1760 | Borough - 5½d | Poor Rate Return (Monthly) |
Francis | Philip | 1742 | Portreeve | |
Francis | Philip | 1744 | Churchwarden | |
Francis | Philip | 1745 | Churchwarden | |
Francis | Phill | 1758 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Francis | Phill | 1759 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Francis | Phillip | 1785 | Wine Merchant | Churchwardens' Accounts |
Francis | Thomas | 1729 | Kingston - 1d | Poor Rate Return (Monthly) |
Francis | T | 1746 | Pit Lane, 'Bakehouse', Rent 8s pa | Woborn Property Rents |
Francis | Thomas | 1746 | Pit Lane, house, Rent 8s pa | Woborn Property Rents |
Francis | Thomas | 1760 | Borough - 3d | Poor Rate Return (Monthly) |
Francis | Widow | 1760 | Marsh - 1s 2d | Poor Rate Return (Monthly) |
Freak | Mr | 1729 | Kingston - 1s 8½d | Poor Rate Return (Monthly) |
Freak | Mr | 1760 | Marsh - 2½d | Poor Rate Return (Monthly) |
Freke | Thomas | 1671 | Yeoman of Preston Plucknett | Lease |
Freke | Thomas | 1717 | Custos of Woborn Almshouse | Woborn Muniments |
Freke | Thomas | 1719 | Custos of Woborn Almshouse | Woborn Muniments |
French | Gifford | 1760 | Hendford - 1d | Poor Rate Return (Monthly) |
French | James | 1751 | Churchwarden | |
French | John | 1743 | Ironmonger | Churchwardens' Accounts |
French | Susan | 1696 | Beer Seller | Churchwardens' Accounts |
French | Thomas | 1775 | At the Charity School - born 24 Jun 1767 | John Nowes Charity |
French | Thomas | 1780 | App'd to George Richmond, cordwainer | John Nowes Charity |
French | William | 1679 | Portreeve | |
Fry | Giles | 1647 | Burying plague victims | Quarter Sessions |
Fry | William | 1790 | Saddler & Harness Maker | Universal British Directory |
Frye | John | 1569 | Billman | 1569 Muster Roll |
Frylock | E | 1501 | Warden of Woborn Almshouse | Woborn Muniments |
Fyssher | John | 1548 | Burgage, 8s pa | Chantry of BVM Within |
Priests |
Portreeves |