Yeovil People

Gyles Hayne

Wollen Draper


Gyles Hayne was a rich and influential Yeovilian of the sixteenth century. He was a woollen draper and owned/leased many buildings and much land in Yeovil, including several hostelries such as the Hart in Pit Lane (today's Middle Street) that was later known as the Higher Three Cuppes and later still as the Castle Inn, the Greyhounde in High Street and the Bell Inn in High Street. Among his other properties, were premises in Grope Lane (today's Wine Street), South Street and Quedam Street (later Vicarage Street).

He lived in a private house that would become the inn called the Three Cuppes that would later become the George Hotel in Pit Lane, a property owned by the Woborn Almshouse. The Woborn Property Rents recorded that in 1550 Gyles Hayne was the first recorded tenant of the Three Cuppes Inn in Pit Lane. The Three Cuppes Inn began life as a private dwelling, built during the 1400’s and from 1478 it was owned (among other licensed premises) by the Trustees of Woborn's Almshouse, who continued to own it until 1920 with the rent of the building providing a regular income for the Almshouse.

A lease of 1550 in the Woborn Muniments, records the grant of a burgage at the rent of 6s 8d a year to Gyles Hayne for a term of 60 years. The document is endorsed "lease of my dwelling house in Pyt Lane". There is no reason to doubt that Gyles Hayne's dwelling house was already standing in 1478, and this is consistent with its architectural features. Gyles Hayne retained his lease till his death in 1580.

Giles was the son of William and Agnes Hayne. He was married to Alice, and they had at least nine children; Gyles, George (who ), Agnes, Cicely (bapt 1563), William (bapt 1564), Elizabeth (bapt 1566), John (bapt 1569), Benjamin (bapt 1572) and Joseph (bapt 1575). From his will, it would appear that his son George was disabled and unable to live on his own. Nevertheless, George would become Portreeve of Yeovil in 1609. Further possible daughters who may have died in infancy, Jane and Jone, were baptised in 1567 and 1568 respectively, with another Joan baptised in 1572.

His three eldest children were left money in the 1558 will of William Hayne, his father "... Item I geve and bequeath to Gyles Hayne to George Hayne and Agnes Hayne the chylldren of my Sonne Giles Hayne to everye of them xj# xiijs iiijd [eleven pounds thirteen shillings four pence] of monnye ...".

He was recorded as a Churchwarden in 1561 and 1562 and the Woborn Muniments recorded him as Custos of the Woborn Almshouse in 1575. He was rated to provide one light horseman in the Muster Roll - confirming his wealth and standing in the town..

The Churchwardens' Account for the year 1568-69 recorded that, as a leading citizen of the town, Gyles played a major part of the annual Robin Hood Pageant. He organised the Church Ale as shown by the following entry "It[e]m whereas there was brought in by Gyles Hayne which kept the p[ar]ishe ale this yere the sum of £19 5s 9d." This was almost a record sum for a Yeovil Church Ale, equating to more than £7,500 at today's value. The Robin Hood pageant was invariably closely associated with a Church Ale - a festival formerly held in English country parishes at which ale was sold to raise money for church expenses and the relief of the poor. The name 'Church ale' derives from the Middle English chirche ale, from chirche = church, and ale = festival.

Gyles Hayne died in October 1580 and was buried in St John's churchyard on 2 November 1580. Yeovil Churchwardens' Accounts record that Gyles Hayne was mourned by his widow Alice "with all the bells" at a cost of three shillings and fourpence (around £50 at today's value). She continued paying rent for the house until 1597 when John Hacker, a witness to Gyles' will, became the tenant.


For the early Hayne Family Tree - click here


The 1580 will of Gyles hayne


In the name of god amen whose name be blessed worlde withoute ende The xxiiijth [24th] daie of Auguste Anno Domini 1580. And in the xxijth [22nd] yeare of the reigne of oure sovereigne Ladye Elizabethe by the grace of god of Englande Fraunce and Irelande Queene defender of the faithe etc. I Gyles Hayne of Yeavell in the Countie of Some[r]set Wollen Draper of good and perfecte remembraunce (God be praysed) Doe make this my laste will and Testamente in manner and forme following Firste I aske mercie of the allmightie god for Jesus Christes sake his onelie Sonne oure Redemer and Saviour to whome I humblye commende my Soule whoe hathe rendered it in corpore Carms sue per mortem [Latin = "in the body of his flesh through death"] whiche I stedfastlie beleve, And hope therbye onelie to be saved, To whome be all honnoure and glorie forever and even Amen, And my bodye to Decente Sepulture. And as concerninge my Gooddes, Chattells, Landes, and Tenementes what and wheresoever, I geve will and Dispose the same in such manner and forme as hereafter Followeth, Accordinge to the p[ur]porte and trewe meaninge hereof. Firste I geve to the poore mennes Boxe of Yevell aforesaide vis viijd [6s 8d] in monney. Also to the poore people of Th[e]almeshowsse vis viijd [6s 8d] in monneye, And to the Fower poore women in the Newe howse in Southstreete vis viijd [6s 8d] in monneye. And also to the Reste of the poore people of the p[a]rish of Yevell aforesaide xxvis viijd [26s 8d] to be bestowed in Breade for theyme ymmediatelie after my deceasse. Item I geve to Fyve poore men of the poorest, somuche blacke Freese as will make theyme Coates to be geven to theyme within one monnethe nexte after my deceasse. Item I geve to everie of my Godchildren vjs [6s]. And also to the poore Prisonners of Ilchester vjs viijd [6s 8d]. Item I geve to William Coplande my Servaunte in consideracion of his Service xs [10s] And two [thilis ?] sheepe. Item I geve to Elnor my Servaunte somuche blacke Freese [see Note 1 below] as will make her a gowne. Item I geve and bequeathe to Gyles my Sonne xxld [£20] of lawfull monney of England over and besides the Twenty Nobles w[hi]ch my Father gave hym in his laste will and Testamente. Item I geve to him my Salte of Silver whiche my Father gave me: Allso the Cupborde w[hi]ch I boughte of Rob[er]te Nayle, and the [Chiste ?] w[hic]h is in the Chamber over the Kitchin Item I geve to him also my Ringe or Signett of golde in token that he remember my Instructions. Item I geve and bequeathe to George my Sonne my guilte Cuppe whiche my Mother gave me Also sixe silv[er] Spoones, Also I geve and bequeathe unto him by my Mothers permission, w[hi]ch I request her to performe and whiche heretofore she hathe consented unto, the Lease and Terme of Yeres yett to come of and in the Tenemente in highestreete nexte the Greyhounde w[hi]ch my mother and he doe nowe dwell in of the Burges lande savinge to my saide Mother all her convenient names w[hi]ch she nowe useth and occupieth in the same duringe her lieff. Also I geve and bequeathe to him all my Righte and tearme of yeres whiche I have by any estate of and in the twoe Shoppes under the Churche howsse and of and in the Twoe Gardeynes or Orchardes conteyned withe the saide Shoppes in one Leasse, late p[ar]cell of the Chaunterie of the name of Jhesue in Yevell aforesaid my mothers lieff therein allwaies excepted Item I geve and bequeathe to William my Sonne Twentie poundes of lawfull monney of England And also I will and agree that he have the Sixe Silv[er] spoones w[hi]ch my mother gave him and w[hi]ch weare my Unckells Mr William Haynes of Oxford. Also I geve him my Virginalle; Ite[m] I geve to hym Also my Righte and terme of yeres yett to comme of and in the Tenemente [o]f Tokinge Mylle [today's Tucking Mill] Scituate and beinge within the p[a]rishe of Barwicke in the said Countie of Some[r]set, withe all Orchardes groundes Rackes and Appurtenance whatsoev[er] to the same belonginge, Savinge to my mother all her Righte therein duringe her lief. Item I geve and bequeathe to John my Sonne xxld [£20] of lawfull monneye of England. Also I will and agree, that he have the Silver Salte w[hi]ch my mother gave hym. Item I geve and bequeathe unto him the saide John my Leasse and teanure of yeres yett to come of and in the Tenemente withe his App[ur]tenance in Pytt lane [today's Middle Street] in the Borroughe of Yevell foresaide called the Harte which I boughte of Alexander Keele togeth[er] withe the plotte of grounde belonginge to the same Lyinge beyonde Millers Well. Also I geve & bequeathe unto the saide John all my yeres yett to comme of and in my meadowe lyinge within the Mannor of Hindford in the said p[a]rishe of yevell called Pookemore. Item I geve and bequeathe unto him my Cheste in my Parlor. Item I geve and bequeathe unto Beniamyne my Sonne xxld [£20] of lawfull monneye of England and also my gilte goblette which I boughte at London, saving that Alice my wieff, shall have the use and occupacion thereof untill she marrie. Item I geve hym my best Cheste in my Chamber over the Butterie [ioinctlie ?] withe Alice my wieff. Item I geve and bequeathe to him the saide Beniamyne my Leasse and terme of yeres yett to come of and in my Tenemente in Pittlane w[hi]ch I nowe dwell in of Th[e]almeshowse lande under this Condicon that he suffer and permitte his mother my wieff to dwell use and occupie the same duringe her lieffe lyvinge a widowe, and payinge the Lordes Rente, and doinge the Reparacions and all other dueties due for the same. Item I geve and bequeathe to the saide Beniamyne the Tableborde in the [plo ?], the borde in the hall, and the glasse and seelinge in my Parlor, the Cupborde, and all other Boardes Benches and Formes in the saide Parlor, and Hall, and also all the Shelves, tackes and other necessaries of Tymber in the Butterie, Shoppes, and kitchine the same to remayne to hym, and to his Mother duringe her lieff as aforeaide. Item I geve and bequeathe unto Josephe my Sonne xxld [£20] of lawfull monneye of Englande, and also my Salte of Silv[er] and gilte whiche I boughte of John Hacker the[e]elder. Item I geve unto him my greatiste Crocke and one of my bedsteds in my Chamber and the parlor. Item I geve and bequeathe unto him my saide sonne Josephe my Leasse and terme of Yeres yett to Come of and in my Barne, and Orchard in Southe streete within the Boroughe of Yeavell fopresaid w[hi]ch is of the Burges lande. Item I geve and bequeathe unto Agnes my Daughter xxxiijld vjs viijd [£33 6s 8d] of lawfull monneye of Englande. Also a Fetherbedd a boulster and pillowe of Fethers, a paire of Blancketts, a paire of Sheetes, and the beste Cov[er]lette, w[hi]ch my mother gave her. Also I geve her a Crocke, iij [3] platters iij [3] porringers iij [3] Sawcers, and a Coffer w[hi]ch shee noew useth, also the Heiffer w[hi]ch I gave her before this tyme. Item I geve and bequeathe unto Cicelie my Daughter xxxiijld vjs viijd [£33 6s 8d] of lawfull monneye of England a bolster and a pillowe of Fethers, a paire of Blancketts, a paire of Sheetes and my cov[er]lett made of purles lyned with Canvas, a Crocke a Cawdron three platters, three porringers, three Sawcers, and my Coffer called a Shippe coffer whiche I bought of M[ist]res Whitbee or her Executors. Item (I geve unto her a Heiffer of a yeare olde, and rthe vantage whiche I boughte of Thomas Pynne. Item I geve and bequeathe to  Elizabethe my Daughter xxxiijld vjs viijd [£33 6s 8d] of lawfull monneye of Englande and a Heiffer of twoe yeares age a Flockebedde, a boulster, a pillowe, a paire of blancketts, a paier of Sheetes, and a Cov[er]lette, a Crocke, A Cawdron, iij [3] platters iij [3] porringers iij [3] Sawcers, and a Coffer. Item I geve and bequeathe to Alice my Wief my beste Bedstedde, my beste Fetherbed withe boulster, ij [2] pillowes, a paire blancketts, ij [2] paire Sheetes, and my best Coveringe at her choice. Item I geve unto her all her other Naperie and Lynnen, And farther, I ordeigne and my will is that she my saide Wieff shall dwell in my nowe Dwellinge Howse and have the same [jointlie ?] w[i]th my Sonne Beniamyne for so many yeares yett to comme therin as shee shall lyve sole and unmaried, payinge the Rentes and doinge the Reparacions due for the same. And after her deceass, or marriage, wholie to remayne to Beniamyne my Sonne, as before in his porcion is provided. Item I geve and bequeathe unto my saide wieff all suche Corne and Grayne whatsoever as is growinge uppon anye parte of her bargaine called Holes. And also in consideracion of her Dower I geve unto her for tearme of her lieff, my halfe Tenemente called Forestreetes nowe in the tenure of Roger Whitehall, and xxld [£20] yerelie Rente oute of the porcions of Landes of my sixe Sonnes, that is of everie porcion iijs iiijd [7s 8d] Duringe her lieff. And farther accordinge to my duetie towardes my mother. I ordaigne and graunte for and unto her that she shall have use occupie and enjoye to her owne use and behoofe for tearme of her lief all suche Tenementes Rentes, Ann[u]all proffitts, whatsoever w[hi]ch nowe shee dothe and have enjoyed from the deathe of my Father, That is all the Rentes of the Landes and Tenememntes whiche weare S[i]r Hughe Stewkeleies Landes puchazed by my Father and beinge within the Boroughe of Yeavell aforesaide (The Tenemente w[hi]ch John Hore late dwelleth in, and whiche my Father gave me by his lieff tyme onelie excepted), Also my saide Mother shall have use and Enioye for tearme of her lief the Rentes Dewe of the Tenementes w[hi]ch Thomas Wills  and others dwell in, in Quedin streete sometyme S[i]r William Carants Landes, And of the Tenemente w[hi]ch Gyles Hacker holdeth sometymes my Lorde Stortons Landes duringe her lieff seinge the Reparacions donne of the same. And also makinge paymente of iiijd [4d] weekelie to Th[e]almeshowse of Yeavell as hetherto she hathe used and paide, accordinge to my Fathers will. Item I geve unto my saide Mother xxs [20s] of lawfull monney of Englande yearlie duringe her lieff, to be paide unto her vs [5s] a quarter by myne Executors, and everie yeare a Frocke or petticote as shee shall requier, chardginge myne Executors to be carefull of her necessitie, as to theire Duetie apperteignethe, and as theie tender my Requeaste. And father I provide and my will is that the said iiijd [4d] nowe by my sayde Mother weekelie payde unto the poore people of the saide Almeshowsse after her decease be contynewed, and paide accordinge to the tyme, order and condicions mentinoned in the laste will and Testamente of my saide Father William Hayne deceassed, to be paide by myne Executors Duringe the tyme and tearme of Nynetene Yeares after my Mothers Deceasse. And after the Determinacion of the sayde nynetene yeares, I requier my Sonne George to be carefull for the reste of the yeares conteigned in my Fathers will, that the same be paied, as I now am carefull onelie in doinge my Dutie to see my Fathers good meaninge accomplished. And also for Farther declaracion of my will and intente concerninge the porcions of gooddes and Leasses in this my laste will and testamente geven and bequeathed to William, John, Beniamyne, and Josephe my Sonnes, I doe provide, and my will is that if anye of theyme my saide Fower Sonnes happen to die before theie so dyinge comme to the age of xxitie [21] yeares, that then the porcion of monneye, gooddes, and Leass[e]s, of theyme or any of theyme shalbe and Remayne to the Survivors of my saide Fower Sonnes to be equallie Devided amongeste theyme that shalbe lyvinge, and atteine to the saide age of xxi [21] yeares, yf theie or anye of theyme lyve so longe. And for the governemente, and educacion of theyme and there porcions my will and intent is that my wieffe Duringe her widdowhed, and my Sonne George During his lieff, shall have the governannce of theyme to see theyme keapte to Schoole, or putte to some good science as Apprentizes, and Speciallie to be carefull to keepe theyme from idlenes the roote of all evill, presevinge the Stockes or porcions to theire use, untill theie or anye of theyme comme to his age of xxi [21] yeares, And that towardes thiere schole and fyndinge, I will  that the Rentes and proffects of theire Landes shalbe applied, for that purpose (if neede so requier, by the good advise of my Overseers, whome I requeste to be carefull hereof (w[hi]ch God graunte Amen.). And Farthermore towchinge and concerninge my Landes, Tenements, Burgage, and Inheritaunce [whatsoeid ?] in the Countie of Sommersette or else wheare, I geve will and devise the same by this my last will and Testamente in manner and fourme followinge, and accordinge to the trewe and playne meaninge hereafter in this my last will and Testamente, sette downe, geven, willed, or devised, That is, Firste I geve, will and devise to Gyles my Sonne, and to his heyres forever, all my Landes, Tenements, Rents, Re[ver]cions and hereditaments whatsoever w[hi]ch my Father purchazed of S[ir] Hughe Stukeleye knighte, scituate, lyinge & being within the Boroughe of Yevell aforesaide, and also all that my Tenemente or Burgage, and Gardeyne thereto belonginge with th[e]appurten[a]nces scituate and being in Qudin streate nexte colde Harborowe in yeavill aforesaide whiche I purchased of Mr Leonard Carant forever. And also one Burgage and Orcharde in the tenure of Gyles Hacker, sometyme the Lorde Sturtons lande, And also I geve will and devise unto the saide Giles my Sonne, and to his heyres forev[er], one Burgage newlie builte by John Coorte withe an Orcharde thearetoo belonginge in Quedin streete, and also Fower acres of Earable lande sometyme in the Tenure of John Locke, and nowe in my owne handes, and heretofore this, usuallie letten togeather withe the saide Burgage and orchard percell of the late Chaunterie of the Trinitie founded within the p[a]rishe Churche of Yeavell foresaide, To have and to houlde the same to him and his heires forever. Item I geve will and devise by this my last will and Testamente to George my sonne, and to his heires and Assignes forever, All that my Burgage, Tenemente or Cottag Orcharde, and Backesyde thereto belonginge, scituate, lying and being in Southstreete with in the Borowghe of yeavell aforesaide in the saide Countie of Som[er]sett, commonlie called Stylles withe all Edifices, Landes, medowe and pastures therto belonginge or app[ur]teigninge, or heretofore withe the same demised or letten and nowe in the Tenure use or occupacion of my Mother Agnes Hayne, or her Assignes. Also I geve will and devise to my saide sonne George and his heires and Assignes forever all that my Barne and Curtelage withein the Boroughe of Yeavell foresaide, scituate lyinge and beinge in a streete there, called South streete, and Twelve acres of Lande, medowe and pasture, and one [Peterstyche = perch ?] usuallie letten withe the same, lying in the Feildes of Kingestone within the said p[a]rish of Yevell, nowe in th[e]occupacion of John Crocker in [inre vx sue ?], And also I geve will and devise unto the saide George my Sonne, All that my Cottage & Orcharde in Recleforde [today's Market Street] within the p[a]rish of Yevell foresaide, and sixe acres of Lande, meadowe and pasture therto belonginge nowe in the Tenure of John Boll. And also all that my Burgage withe his app[ur]ternuce scituate and beinge w[i]thin the Boroughe of Yevell foresaide neere the Brode Churche stile, nowe in thee Tenure of Walter Witcombe, To have and to houlde all the premisses before to hym the saide George geven willed, and devised to th[e]onlie use and behofe of him the saide George his heires and Assignees forever. Item I geve will and devise by this my last will and Testamente to William my Sonne All that my Burgage, Tenemente and Backeside therto belonginge scituate and being within the Boroughe of Yevell foresaid nexte to the Allmeshouse nowe in the Tenure of Thomas Gregorye, And also I geve will and devise to the saide William all that my Tenemente or Burgage in Grope Lane [today's Wine Street] within the Boroughe of Yevell foresaid withe a gardeine therto belonginge, And also Twelve acres of Lande meadowe and pasture, withe the appurten[a]nce lyinge in the feilde of Kingestone within the saide p[a]rishe of yeavell whiche heretofore have beene letten withe the said Burgage or Tenemente sometyme in the Tenure of John Delagrise, and late in the Tenure of Thomas Pytman or of his Assignes, and nowe in the Tenure of John Bowden. Also I geve will and devise to the saide William All that my Tenemente or Cottage, orcharde and Backeside in Recleforde withe eighte acres one Rod and one [Peterstyche = perch ?] withe Th[e]appurten[a]nce belonginge to the same in the p[a]rishe of Yeavell aforesaide, or elsewheare in the Countie of Somers[e]t, nowe in the Tenure of Thomas Pynne, To have and to houlde all the saide premisses to the saide William before geven, willed and devised to the onelie use and behooffe of hym the saide William, and to the heyres of his Bodye lawfullie begotten, And for lacke of suche issue the saide premisses before to him the saide William, geven, willed and devised, shall wholie Remayne to Gyles my sonne, and to his heires forever. Item I geve will and devise by this my laste will & Testamente to John my sonne, all that my half Tenemente withe his Appurten[a]nce in Recleforde in the parrishe of Yeavell foresaide, and xvij [17] acres and iij [3] yarde, withe one [Peterstyche = perch ?] of Lande Meadowe, and Pasture belonginge to the same, late in the Tenure of Richard Hacker, and nowe in the Tenure of John Hacker, and of his Assignes, uppon percell whereof I have builded a newe Barne, and a Stawle. Item I geve, will, and devise, likewise unto the same John my sonne one Messuage withe a Curtilage in Southstreete within the Boroughe of Yeavell foresaide, and one close of pasture conteigninge iiij [4] acres, be it more or lesse nexte golde Crofte in the said p[a]rishe of Yeavell nowe in the Tenure of Thomas Bere or of his Assignes. Item I likewise geve, will, and devise to the saide John my sonne one Cottage withe a Curtilage withe iij [3] acres [abbreviation illegible] of errable Lande in the Feildes of Kingestone in the p[a]rishe of Yeavell, foreaide, or els wheare with th[e]app[ur]ten[a]nce, late in the Tenure of Jone Lie wydowe, and nowe in the Tenure of Robart Higdons or of his Assignes. Item I likewise geve, will, and devise to the saide John my sonne twoe Burgages, scituate and beinge in Gropelane w[i]thin the Borowe of yeavell foresaide withe the appurtenannces nowe in the Tenure of Edward Clarke or of his Assignes To have and to houlde all the premisses to the said John my sonne before to him geven, willed and devised to th[e]onlie use and behooffe of him the saide John my sonne, and to the heyres of his bodye lawfullie begottenne, And for lacke of suche issue to George my sonne and to his heires for ever. Item I geve will and Devise by this my laste will & Testamente to Beniamyne my sonne, all that my Tenemente, Gardeyne, Orcharde, and Backeside with the Appurtenannces in kingestone within the parishe of Yeavell aforeaide, and Fortie Fower acres [abbreviation illegible] of Lande, Meadowe and pasture to the same belonginge, And also one Burgage of Tenement in Pytlane, And also one gardeyne in Quedinstreete within the Boroughe of Yeavell foresaide, All w[hi]ch premisses late weare in the Tenure of Lionell Carter or of his Assignes, and nowe in the Tenure of John Bowden or of his Assignes. Item I likewise geve, will, and devise to the saide Beniamyne my sonne, One Burgage or Gardeine in Pytlane [today's Middle Street], within the said Boroughe of Yeavell, nexte Maister Penys Orch[ar]de called Gades Gardeine nowe in my owne possession and use, To have and to houlde all the premisses to the said Beniamyne my sonne before geven, willed and devised to th[e]onlie use and behooffe of him the saide Beniamyne and to the heires of his bodie lawfullie begottenn, And for lacke of suche issue to Joseph my sone & to the heires of his bodie lawfullie begottenn, And for lacke of suche issue to th[e]heires of me the saide Gyles Hayne for ever. All that my Burgage or Inne called the Bell with his Appurtenannces Scituate and being in the highe streete within the Borowe of Yeavell aforesaid, nowe in the Tenure of Henrie Welfare or of his Assignes. Also I geve, will, and devise unto my saide Sonne Josephe One tenemente or Burgage w[i]th his Appurtenannces over againste Nunwell within the Borowe of yeavell foresaide and Fower acres [abbreviation illegible] of errable Lande lyinge within the Feildes of Kingestone in the sayde parrisshe of Yeavell, And all other Lands what soever to the same belonginge, nowe in the Tenure of John Clare the Sonne of Thomas Clare, or either of theime or of theire Assignes. To have and to houlde all the premisses to the said Josephe my Sonne before gevenne, willed and Devised to th[e]onlie use and behoofe of him the saide Josephe, and to the heires of his bodie lawfully begottenn, And for lacke of suche yssue to Beniamyne my Sonne and to the heires of his bodie lawfully begottenn, And for lacke of suche issue to to me the saide Gyles Hayne forever. Item I geve will and devise by this my laste will & Testamente to Agnes my Daughter, All that my Tenemente withe A Curtilage in Southstreete within the Boroughe of Yeavell foresaid and three acres [abbreviation illegible] of errable Lande lyinge within the Mannor of Hyndeforde in the said parrishe of Yeavell to the same Teneme[n]t belonging late in the Tenure of John Styckelinche, and nowe in the Tenure of Walter Phellppes or of his Assignes with Th[e]appurtenannces, To have and to houlde all the premisses to the saide Agnes gevene, willed & devised to th[e]onlie use and behoofe of her the saide Agnes, and to the heires of her bodye lawfully begottenn, And for lacke of suche issue to the righte heires of me the said Gyles Hayne forever. Item I geve will and devise to Cicill my Daughter by this my laste will & Testamente, All that my Burgage or Tenemente, and Gardeyne to the same belonginge scituate and beinge in Pitlane nexte the Harte within the Borough of Yeavell foresayde, late in the Tenure of Jone Marshe. Also my Plotte or Burgage in Pitlane late in the Tenure of Lynell Woodell, To have and to houlde the said Burgage and Gardeine to the said Cicill, and to the heires of her bodye lawfully begottenn, and to her onliie use and behoofe, And for lacke of suche issue to the righte heires of me the said Gyles Hayne forev[e]r. Item I geve will and devise by this my laste will & Testamente to Elizabeth my Daughter, All that my Burgage or Tenemente, with a Gardeine and Orcharde thereto belonginge scituate and beinge in pitlane w[i]thin the borraoughe of Yeavell aforesaide in the Northe side of the same streete, late in the Tenure of Thomas Morryce al[ia]s Thomas Gromes, To have and to houlde the said Burgage or Tenemente, Gardeine and Orcharde to th[e]onliie use & behoofe of the saide Elizabethe, and to the heires of her bodye lawfully begotten, And for lacke of suche issue to the righte heires of me the said Gyles Hayne forever. And so I conclude for the Disposinge of my Landes perticularlie to my saide Children, willinge and requestinge myne Executoures and Overseers, That if anye insufficincie be for theire assurance in the penninge or devisinge therof, that for the better assurance and sure makinge hereof accordinge to my trewe meaninge theie assure yt accordinglie by learned Councell, within three Monnethes next after my deceasse at the costes and chardges of myne Executors and so to prove the will perfected. The Reste of all my gooddes movable and unmovable not before beueathed (my debtes and Funeralle paide and discharged I geve and bequeathe wholie to Alice my wieff, and to George my sonne ioinctlie [ie jointly], whome I make & ordeigne my trewe and lawfull Executors quietlie in the love of god to agree togeather, and to use the same to gods glory to whome be all honnor and prayse, Amen. And for the better performannce and observacion of this my laste will and Testamente, I hartelie requeaste my trustie freendes John Hacker th[e]elder, Maister Walter Barker William Jenynge and John Dier to be my Overseers of this my will and Testamente, That it be executed accordinglie, and as myespeciall truste is in theyme for that purpose. And partlie to consder theire paines in this behalf I geve unto theyme fortie shillinges, Besechinge Allmightie god to bringe this my purpose to good effecte, To governe and protecte my Children, and to make theyme his Servauntes, whiche God graunte for his Deare mercye, Amen.

per me Egidud Hayne

Witnesses John Hacker   Walter Baker   William Jenynge   John Dyer   Thomas Greenfeilde   Gyles Hacker and Lionell Harrison


Proved at London, 1580


Transcribed by Bob Osborn


 Note 1 - Frieze is a Middle English term for a coarse woollen, plain weave cloth with a nap on one side.