Minor theme - Yeovil pEOPLE Data



 Gathered information for individuals prior to 1837


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  • When searching remember that spellings were somewhat cavalier compared with today, so always try alternative spellings - for example 'DIX' and 'DICKS', etc.

  • If in doubt, search on part of the name. For example a search for 'LEVER' will find entries for LEVERIDGE, LEVEREDGE, LEVERAGE, etc.


Surname Forename(s) Year Notes Reference
Eallis Thomas 1704 Bell Maintenance Churchwardens' Accounts
Edmonde John 1548 High St, Burgage, 16s pa Chantry of the Name of Jesus
Edmunds Mathew 1783 Blacksmith / Ironmonger Churchwardens' Accounts
Edmunds Mathew 1796 Blacksmith / Ironmonger Churchwardens' Accounts
Edmunds Mathew 1797 Blacksmith / Ironmonger Churchwardens' Accounts
Edmunds Mathew 1798 Blacksmith / Ironmonger Churchwardens' Accounts
Edwards George 1792 App'd to Robert Roe, Linen Cloth Maker John Nowes Charity
Edwards Thomas 1760 Hendford - 1d  Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Edwards James 1762 At the Charity School - born 9 Feb 1752 John Nowes Charity
Edwards James 1765 Expelled from the Charity School John Nowes Charity
Edwards William 1782 Churchwarden
Edwards William 1783 Churchwarden
Edwards William 1790 Ironmonger & Cutler Universal British Directory
Edwards William 1793 Ironmonger Churchwardens' Accounts
Edwards William 1797 Ironmonger Churchwardens' Accounts
Edwards William 1798 Ironmonger Churchwardens' Accounts
Edwards William 1799 Ironmonger Churchwardens' Accounts
Eglen William 1785 Licensee, Royal Oak, Wine Street Land Tax Returns
Eglen Wm. 1782 Licensee, Pall Tavern, Silver St
Eglin Samuel 1694 Odd Job Man Churchwardens' Accounts
Eglin Samuel 1697 Odd Job Man Churchwardens' Accounts
Elford William 1761 Apprenticed from Charity School John Nowes Charity
Elford Francis 1762 At the Charity School - bapt 16 July 1763 John Nowes Charity
Eliot George 1689 Borough - 2s 6d 'vicker' (P. Clk / Curate?) Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Eliot Mr 1684 Borough - 2s 6d  'Clarke' (curate?) Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Ellet Richard 1717 Churchwarden
Elliott Richard 1718 Churchwarden 1718-9
Elliott Dorothy 1729 Borough - 1d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Elliott John 1683 Vicar
Elliott Widow 1729 Borough - 1½d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Elliott Widow 1729 Paid 6 shillings (10 to 20 windows) Window Tax (Annual)
Ellis John 1699 Blacksmith Churchwardens' Accounts
Ellis Robert 1767 Gardener Churchwardens' Accounts
Ellis Robert 1768 Gardener Churchwardens' Accounts
Ellis Robert 1790 Gardener Universal British Directory
Ellis Thomas 1695 Bell Maintenance Churchwardens' Accounts
Ellis Thomas 1696 Bell Maintenance Churchwardens' Accounts
Ellis Thomas 1697 Bell Maintenance Churchwardens' Accounts
Ellis Thomas 1698 Bell Maintenance Churchwardens' Accounts
Ellis Thomas 1699 Bell Maintenance Churchwardens' Accounts
Ellis Thomas 1700 Bell Maintenance Churchwardens' Accounts
Ellis Thomas 1701 Bell Maintenance Churchwardens' Accounts
Ellis Thomas 1702 Bell Maintenance Churchwardens' Accounts
Ellis Thomas 1703 Bell Maintenance Churchwardens' Accounts
Ellis Thomas 1705 Bell Maintenance Churchwardens' Accounts
Ellis Thomas 1710 Bell Maintenance Churchwardens' Accounts
Ellis Thomas 1750 Odd Job Man Churchwardens' Accounts
Ellys Robert 1569 Gonnor (Gunner) 1569 Muster Roll
Ember John 1569 Pekeman (Pikeman) of Wigdon & Huntley 1569 Muster Roll
Erlyche Thomas 1548 Burgage & Land, 6s pa Chantry of the Holy Trinity
Esen George 1788 App'd to Thomas Goldring, Leather Dresser John Nowes Charity
Eston John 1569 Pekeman (Pikeman) 1569 Muster Roll
Evans George 1754 Pavier Churchwardens' Accounts
Evans George 1766 Labourer Churchwardens' Accounts
Evelly William 1706 Odd Job Man Churchwardens' Accounts
Evelly William 1713 Odd Job Man Churchwardens' Accounts
Evelly William 1747 Stone Supplier Churchwardens' Accounts
Evely William 1729 Borough - ½d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Evely William 1760 Borough - ½d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Everden James 1569 Archer of Wigdon & Huntley 1569 Muster Roll
Evererd Alice 1548 Angel Inn & Land, 66s 8d pa Chantry of BVM Within
Everdone James 1568 Churchwarden
Everdon James 1569 Churchwarden
Everdon James 1633 Close of pasture called Brimesmore 1633 Kingston Survey
Everdon Jacobus 1581 H&W, Goods, Value £3, Paid 3 shillings Lay Subsidy
Everdon Jas. 1582 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Evered Alice 1546 Licensee, Angel Indenture
Everly William 1758 Labourer Churchwardens' Accounts
Everton Andrew 1728 Churchwarden 1728-31
Everton Andrew 1729 Borough - 2d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Everton Andrew 1756 Churchwarden
Everton Andrew 1757 Churchwarden
Everton James 1729 Kingston - 8d 'occupiers of' Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Everton John 1575 Warden of Woborn Almshouse Woborn Muniments
Everton John 1729 Borough - 2d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Everton John 1729 Paid 2 shillings (under 10 windows) Window Tax (Annual)
Everton Mrs 1760 Hendford - 7½d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Everton Mr's widow 1729 Hendford - 4d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Everton Widow 1729 Borough - 1d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Evertons   1760 Kingston - 1½d  Reckleford Cross Poor Rate Return (Monthly)
Every Robert 1729 Marsh - 3½d Poor Rate Return (Monthly)


For further information -

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Click here for Indentured Servants
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